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NO, 6089 P, 2
CHARLES JONES. do(cB) appoint KlM JONES, my true and lawful ~ltorney(s)
and agent(~) for and in rogards to the {'ollowing de~crlbed property,
See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a.part hereof'
In the prJn¢ipa]'~ name, and for principal's use and benefit as to the above
described property, smd ~ltorn~-y is authorized bet=by;
!. To demand, sue for e0tleet, ~nd roeeive all money, debts, accounts,
legacies bcqucsls interesl~, dtvidend~, annuities, a~ld demands a~ are now
or d~all hereafie~ become due, payable, or belonging to principal, and ~o
lake ail lawful ~neans, for the recovery thereof and to compromi,e ~he
same, and 8iv~ discharges fo~ th~ ~ame in relation to, o~ arising ou~ of *aid
2. To buy and sell ~aid land, mak~ conttact~ o[ ev,~y kind relative to amd
[and, any interest th~roin or the poss~.~on ang ~cr~i~e control over thc
u~e thereof; to mo~gage, encumbcl, assign transit or convey, and in any
manner deal In and wilb ~aid property; to improve, to eoa~truct, or to build
upon said property and to mak,, do and transact all and every kind of
hu~{neg$ O[ whatever nature fipon or i. aal~ property.
3, To execute, acknowledge and deliver contracts of sale, escrow instructions,
deeds, leases including leases for mtnetalg and hydrocarbon gubstanee~ and
a~eignment, o~ agreements, mortgages and as*jgnment~ of mortgages,
*onvuyances m trust to secure indebtedness or other obligations, and assign
the beneficial interest thereunder, subordinations of liens cz ~noumbrano~s,
bills of l,dial, bills, bonds, notes, receipts, evidenc,s of debts, releases
and satlsIhctlons of mortgages, requesti to recouvey 4*ed~ of trust, partial
or full, judgments, and other deb[~, and other instrume,ts in writing of
whatever kind and nature, all upon ga2h term~ I~O eonditicns and under
such covenants as ,aid *ltoru~y(s) shall approve, eno as sai~ ~ttoru,y(s)
d~ems uecessa~ iu relation to any transaction dealing wlO~ said property.
4. To enCumber, abandon, or convey atl~ t~o~estoad rights and/or claims.
THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ~hall not be affected b)' Subsequcut disability or
ino~paelty of the principal.
GIVING AND GRANTING to said atlorn~y(~) full power and authority to do all
and eve~'y act ~ad thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done relative to any of
ll~e foregom$ as fully to all intent, and laUtposes a* principal might or could do if
personally present.
ALL THAT that said ~ttorney(s) shall law~lly do or eau~ to be done under
authority o£ this power of atlorncy ~s expressly ~.pproved.
Charles Jonos /
0569 0106
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~<EP. ,a z,)04 .3: .. ~L~. ~. NO. 60e~-,~J
P. 3
co..ty .,~ L,~~
Wl]'N88S ~y hand and official ~al. - .~: '~ j ·
.... ..
Notary Public for
Coun~ of ~ State of
My Commission E)~p~res ..eptember 8, 2006
LIMITED PO',vI~R 0~" AT'f'Ort. NgY, Plqt~ - l!
_ ,SE?, 23, 2004
Jun 22 '04
e×hi . "A" 01 0 8
That part of the E1/2NE114 of Section 35 and that part of the Wl/2NW1/4 of
Section 38, T31N, RllgW, Lincoln Oounty, Wyomin§, being all of that tract of
record in the Office of the Clerk of LinColn County in Book :291 of Photostatic
Records on page 808 and part of thai tract of record in said Office in Book 391 of
Photostatic Records on page 810 described as follow~:
BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the SW1/4NW1/4 of said Section 36;
thence S8g'32'37"W, 86.7 feet, along the north line of said SW1/4klW1/4, to the
approximate thread of Salt River;
thence coursing along sam approximate thread as
N47'48'40"W, 158.5 feet;
N21"01'12'~V, 104.8 feet;
N39°14'35"W, 340.9 feet;
N61 °58'38'~/, 44.3 feet, and leave said thread;
thence S63°.15'26,VV, 219 feet, more or less, to the nodhem most point of said
tract in Book. 391 of Photostatic Records on page 808;
thence continuing S63o15'26'-W, 170.06 feet, to a point at an existing fence
thence 860°00'29"W, 208.88 feet, to a point;
thence S3g'51'0§"E, 59.34 feet, to a point on an existing fence line;
thence coursing along said fence as follows:
S43°36'54'¥V, 268,77 feet, to a point;
N73°45'04"W, 118.07 feet, to a point;
N59°30'13'¥V, 56.28 feet, to a point;
$71°37'23"W, 57.14 feet, to a point;
S56'22'15"W, 93.68 feet, to a point;
S63'41'05"vv, 90.65 feet, to a point;
S70°17'58'1N, 46_42 feet, to a point and leave said fence;
thence N85°30'00"W, 34,45 leer, to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of
Bitter Creek County Road No. 12-140;
thence $$5°07'47"VV, 30.00 feet, along the ra(ijal line of a circular curve to the
left, with a radius of 1112.18 feet, to PC 348+14.45, on the centedine of said
County Road .No..12-140;
thence southeasterly, 458.28 feet, along the arc of said circular curve to the left,
through a central angle of 23°36'33'. and a chord bearing S16'40'30"E, 455.05
feet, to PT 352+72.75;
thence $28°28'46"E, 28.88 feet, to a spike and leave said centerline;
thence N61 °31'14'E, 30.00 feet, to a point on the easterly right-of-way line;
thence $89~33'24"E, 1484.61 feet. to a point Oil the east line of said
thence N00°00'33"E, 553.72 feet, aloncj said east line to the CORNER OF