HomeMy WebLinkAbout903412WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO:
Bank of Jackson Hole
P.O. Box 7000
Jackson, WYOMING 830027000
(Space Above Th~lis Ll~ine~fo~r R~ec(~:;'ding Data) 0',, OCT- ~ jD,~ ,~, ~ 9
Bank of~ac~o~ ~ole, its successors ~d ~si~s,
P.O. Box ?000, 5ac~o~, ~O~[NO 8~0027000
for ~d ~ consideration of~e sum oE~DN DO~, ~d other ~ood and valuable consideration, the receipt of which
is hereby ac~owleS~e~ has sold, a~d by ~ese presents does sell, ass~D], and ~ansfer to
~ort~a~ ~l~ctro~ic Rc~istratio~ S~stems, I~., its successors ~d assiD~s, P.O, Bo~ 2026, ~li~t, ~i~i~,
4850]-2026, which is or~ized a~d exist~ ~der the laws of Dclawa
all its fi~ht, title, and ~terest ~ and to a ce~a~ Mo~a~e dated O~tob~r 4, 2004, executed by
as mo~aSors, which mo~gaSe covers ~e follow~ described prope~ located ~ ~i.~ol.
~O~NG to-wit:
Lot 16 of Nordic Ranches Division No. 3, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed April 6, 1993
as Plat No. 311-B.
24 Wheatridge Lane
Etna, WYOMING 83118
This Mo~gage was recorded in the office of the Co~ Clerk of Lin coin Count, State of WYOMING,
onthe 5th day of October , . 2004 , as Instrument No. ,
in Book ,~ ,Page /~
Signed on the 4th day of October .,A.D. 2004
B~k~f Jackson Ho~
By: Elaine Watkins
Title: Real Estate Loan Officer
State of Wyoming
County of Teton
On this the 4th day of October , 2004 , before me, a Nota~, personally appeared
Elaine Watkins, to me personally knom, who, being by me duly sworn (or affixed), did say that he/she is the
Real Estate Loan Officer of Bank of Jac~on Hole and that the seal affixed to the instrument is the co~orate seal
of the co~oration (or association) by authori~ of its board of directors (or trustees), and Elaine Wat~ns
acknowledged the instrument to be the ~ee act and deed of the corporation
Prepared by:
Bank of Jackson Hole
P.O. Box 7000
Jackson, WYOMING 830027000
Attention: Final Documents Department
Intervening Assignment: This assignment is not subject to the requirements of Section 275 of the Real Property Law,
because it is an assignment in the secondary mortgage market.
MIN: 100015700042231569
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