HomeMy WebLinkAbout903831QUITCLAIM DEED
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Darla Draney and Alfred L.
Draney, husband and wife, Grantors, of 3454 Plantation Grove, Colorado Springs, CO
80920, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable
consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND
QUITCLAIMS to Carl E. Lindberg and Donna G. Lindberg, husband and wife, as tenants
bythe entireties, Grantees, whose address is 13211 Vinery Court, Cypress, TX 77429, any
and all interest in the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State
of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead
exemption laws of the State, to-wit:
See attached property description marked Exhibit "A" and by this reference
made a part hereof.
TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all
other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and
restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands.
WITNESS my hand this day of . ,2004.
D/aria Draney - ~
Alfred L. Draney /
0t~ OCT 15 AH l l: I1~
STATE OF ~//~£~¢~ )
COUNTY OF ~/"//'~O )
The above and foregoioq instrumer),t wasacknowledged before me by Darla Draney
L D-ane,, +his ~'~/d~, of "" ~
and Alfred . . j, _~g'~ -Y ///~~ F' .2004.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
N(~)tary Publi~
The following described
Lincoln Co.unty, wyoming:
real property situate in
All of Tract 90 in Sections 4, 5; 8 and 9,
T24N Rll9W 6th P.M., Wyoming. EXCEPT that
part which is a part of the corporate area of
the Town of Cokeville, containing 73.59 A~[,
more or less; and
ALSO EXCEPTING a parcel of land being
described in general as being that portion of
said Tract 90 of said T & R having for
E-ly boundary line the W-ly boundary line of
right-of-way for U.S. Highway #30N; its N-ly
boBndary line being identical with the S-ly
boundary line of the right-Of-way for Lincoln
County Road passing westward through the Town
of Cokeville, Wyo,; its W-ly boundary line
being identical with the E-ly boundary lines
of the Town of Cokevitle, Wyoming and the
additions thereto; its S-ly boundary line
being identical with the S-ly boundary line
of said Tract 90 of said T. and R.; said
parcel of land being more particularly
described by metes and bounds as follows:
Beg. at a point from when the SE Cor. of
Tract 90 bears S. 89052' E., 24.48 chains;
thence N 11057' W., 20.44 chains; thence N
89033' W., 18.47 chains; thence S 00~24' W.,
18.91 chains; thence S. 89032' E.~, 3.41
chains; thence S. 02°47' E., 1.07 chains;
thence' S. 89052' E., 19.37 chains to the
point of beg., said parcel of land containing
40.98 A. more or less, as varies the survey
thereof, and known as the Gallo Tract; and
ALSO EXCEPTING a tract of land Beg. at a Cor.
#4 of Tract 90, thence S. 0044' 'E., 1369.2
feet along the W. boundary line of Tract 90
· to Cor. #3 of Tract 90; thence S. 89052' E.
along the S~ boundary line of Tract 90, 612'.6
feet'to the intersection of the' S. line of
Tract 90 and the right-of-way Iine of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad thence N. 18047'
W. along the right-of-way'of the Oregon Short
Line Railroad, 1445.1 feet to the
intersection of the N. boundary line of Tract
90 and the right-of-way line of the Oregon
Short Line Railroad, thence N. 89010' E.
along, the N. boundary line of Tract 90, a
distance of 164.8 feet to Cor. #4 of Tract 90
and point of beg., containing 12.218 A., more
or less, and known as the Jarret Tract; and
ALSO EXCEPTING a ~ract of land .for cemetery
described as follows: Beg. at the SE Cot. of
'Tract 90 which is Cot. #2 of said Tract,
thence N. 89052' W., 150 feet, thence N. 150
feet, thence N. 89052' E., 150 feet, thence
S. 150 feet to the place of beg., containing
'o. 51
ALSO CONVEYING all of Tract #88 in Sec. 5
T24N Rll9W 6th P.M., EXCEPT that part which
is a part of the corporate area of the Town
of Cokeville, containing 12.24 A.; and
ALSO EXCEPTING that tract conveyed to Fred
Roberts by deed rec. in Book 10 page 304,
cOntaining 57.75 A.; and
ALSO EXCEPTING the right-of-way of Oregon
Short Line Railroad Company, containing 2.07
A., more or less, being approx. 135.762 A. in
all more or less, exclusive of exceptions.
["The above described land, by private survey
made from the plats and records on file in
the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio
Reg. of Deeds in and for Lincoln County,
Wyoming, are more particularly described as
Ail that land in Tract 90, T24N Rll9W 6th
P.M., Wyoming, lying East of U.S. Highway No.
30 N. except for a tract of land for the
Cokeville Cemetery and the right-of-way for
the Cokeville~Smith's Fork Highway and the
Cokeville Cemetery Road, more particularly
described as follows: Beg. at the NW Cor. of
Tract 74, T24N Rll9W 6th P.M., thence N.
89052' W. 234.3 feet to the intersection of
the S. line of Tract 90 with the center line
-of U.S. Highway No. 30 N. at Station 986+64;
thence N. 11021' W., 1362.7 feet along said
center to its intersection with 'the N. line
of Tract 90; thence S. 89010' E., 1832.5 feet
to the NE Cor. of said Tract; thence S.
1186.5 feet along the E. line of Tract 90 to
its intersection with the N. boundary of the
Cokeville Cemetery; thence N. 89052' W., 150
feet along the N. boundary of said'cemetery;
thence S. 150 feet alono the W. line of said
08 80,5 5
cemetery to an intersection with the S. line
of Tract 90; thence N. 89°52' W., 1190.46
feet along the S. boundary of Tract 90 to the
NW Cor. of Tract 74, T24N, Rll9W 6th P.M.,
the point of Beg..; Except for the land
conveyed to Lincoln County' for the
right-of-way for U.S. Highway No. 30N., 'the
Cokeville-Smith's Fork Highway No. S82 (1)
and the Cokeville Cemetery Road which leaves
a net area of 47.52 A., more or less; and
,.. 0'"6 3
'Also, Beg. at the SW Cor. of Tract 88, T24N,
Rll9W 6th P.M., which Cot. is identical with
the Cor. common to Secs. 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the
original survey, thence N. 0°17' W., 200 feet
to the SW Cor. of the land and the place ~0~~
beg.; thence S. 88°39' E. 1761.6 feet
parallel to the Center line of the road
running E. and W. through the Town of
Cokeville, Wyo., to the SE Cor. of the land;
thence N. 5040' W., 2467.7 ft. to the NE Cor.
of the land on the N. boundary line of the
aforesaid Tract 88; thence N. 87o45' W., 1530
feet to the NW Cor. of the land which is Cor.
~4 of Tract 88 identical with the quarter
section Cor. of Secs. 5 and 6 of the original
survey; thence S. 0°17' E., 2483 fe%t to the
SW Cor. of the land and place of beg.,
containing 90 A.; except for the right-of-way
of O.S.L. R.R. Company."]
FURTHER EXCEPTING from the above described
property the following tracts.:
A parcel of land located.in Tracts 90 and 91,
T24N, Rll9W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, more particularly described as
Commencing at Corner Number 2 of Tract 90
which is also Corner Number 3 of-Tract 91, in
said Township and Range, and running thence .N
0°03'17'' E, 150.00 feet along the boundary
line between Tracts 90 and 91 to the POINT OF
BEGINNING; running thence N 8'9o56'43'' W,
150.00 feet; thence N 0°03'17''~ E, 125.00
feet; thence S 89°56'43'' E, 150.00 feet to
the North-South Line between Tracts 90 and
91. Continuing thence S 89056'43'' E, 55.00
feet to the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of the
Cemetery road; thence S 37°28'14" E, 157.61
feet along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line;
thence N 89°56'43''
151.00 feet to the
Said parcel containing 0.726 acres, more or
less with all corners being monumented with a
5/8" steel bar with aluminum cap inscribed
~loey Wall R.L.S. 482. Basis of bearing
being the platted bearing of S 89010'00'' E
between corner 1 and corner 4 of Tract 90.
A portion of Tract 90, Township 24 North, ~.
Range 119 West, of the 6th Principal .... 0~6~I
Meridian, Wyoming lying east of U.S. Highway
30 North, more particularly described-' as
follows: OaSal
Beginning at a point which lies North 268.3
ft. of the Northwest corner of Tract 74,
Township 24 North', Range 119 West, of the 6th
Principle Meridian, Wyoming; thence South
78039' West 210.3 ft. to a point on the East
boundary line of U.S. Highway 30N; thence
North 11021' West 600 ft. along said highway
boundary line to a point which point is
identical with a U.S. Highway boundary line
marker; thence North 78039' East 290.4 ft.;
thence South 11021' East 600 ft.; thence
South 78039' West 80.1 ft.~ to the point o.f
Said parcel of land containing 4 acres more
or less.
Tract 3
A parcel of land located in Tract 88, T24N,
Rll9W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being more particularly described as
Commencing at the Southwest corner _of said
Tract 88 running thence 89°10'00" E, 350.98
feet along the South line thereof; thence N
0050'00'' E, 200.00 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING, said point of beginnihg being the'
Northeast corner of the Stoner Addition to
the Town of Cokeville; running thence N
18035'37'' W, 214.09 feet along the East
right-of-way line of the Union Pacific
Railroad; thence N 40°23'19'' E, 376.39 feet;
thence N 35028'20'' E, 14].11 feet; thence S
3003'08'' E, 609.60 feet to the North line of
said Stoner Addition; thence N 89o10'00'' W.
290.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Containing 3.046 acres, more or less with all
corners monumented with a 5/8" steel bar with
aluminum cap inscribed Cloey Wall:, L.S. 482.