HomeMy WebLinkAbout903838RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned Personal Representative and beneficiaries of the Lendo R. Batista Estate do hereby certify that a certain mortgage bearing the date of November 5, 1998, made and executed by Roger L Beatty, Managing Member and William S. Potter, Managing Member of the Kemmerer Antler Motel, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, as mortgagor to Lendo R. Batista as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on November 16, 1998 as Instrument Number 854785 in Book 421PR at Pages 332 and 333 and mortgaging the following described real estate in Lincoln County, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 58 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. ALSO Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Block 64 of the Second Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. That .portion of the vacated alley as evidenced in Resolution No. 431 recorded July 7, 1977 ~n Book 137PR on Page 413 of records of Lincoln County Clerk. is with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned delft, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged; and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. WITNESS my hand and seal this ~7:,2,,~. day of /r'z)c:' 72'D,(~.4~c''~, 2004. Release of Real Estate Mortgage Page I 903838 MARLIN L. BATISTA ... .,4 LENDO~R6B EI~T BATISTA, ;II Personal Repr,.sentatwe of I endo R Batista Estate p, ~ ~.,17. ix ~- LINCOL~',I :,:')Ilu"rv CLERK J EP.~! STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) -. :'02 , 74 MARLIN L. BATISTA Onthis. ~r-~dayof C/~.~_ ,2004, beforemepersonallyappearedMarlinL. Batista to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed, including the release and waiver of homestead. Given under my hand and sea I the date fi,~,s~i,en above. I:! County of ~ State of { i Lincoln ~ Wyoming ~ Nota~ Public ~ ~Commi...~~si~2_,~?~r-3~,,~ My Commission Expires: LEtO ROB ERT B~ISTA, Iii STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) COUNTY OF ~'kJhd"l/'-t(Ob'q ) On this 20'tn day of .,-,qc/~bdF , 2004, before me personally appeared Lendo Robert Batista, III to me known to be the person described in and who ex ecuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed, including the release and waiver of homestead. Given un/lenr~ [lll,jJaand and seal the date first wfittel~ above. , ~ ~ t ~ U~ Public ~ ~0~O~ ~]~ ~Commission Expires:, ~-/~-0¢-' ' ~A~L.~ATISSA STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY O ) On this day of /~zox ,2004, be£ore me personally appeared Staey L. Batista to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same a.s his free act and dced, including the release and waiver of homestead. Given under my hand and seal the date first written above. Coun~of ~ State of i ~~:Z, _./5.( _' Uncoln ~ Wyomins ~&t~ PubliC/ M~Z?~y??q4,r.)F""g~s ?~y_~4,?~.~. Y'My Commission Expires: Release of Real Estate Mortgage Page 2 ROBERT LOREN B~-TISTA ~ STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF I/)']tL~L~ On this ~ day of _~ ,2004, before me personally appeared Robert Loren Batista, to me known to be the person described in and x~/ho executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed, including the release and waiver of homestead. Given under my hand and seal the date first written above. Notary Public My Commission Expires: ,~'~'~- oQO6~ ~OB~,RTi~ORE~ BATIST~?~.-~ Personal Representative of Lendo R. Batista Estate STATE OF IDAHO ) ) COUNTY OF Dh'lz'JX, a,~ .) ) ! On this ,~ day of ('Jd,I ~,a~ , 2004, before me personally appeared Robert Loren .Batista, Personal Representative ofLendo R. Batista Estate, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ackl:owledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed, including the release and waiver of l-K.,ncstcad. Given under my hand and seal the date first written above. ............... ,% _,? / o . ~'U,'~ ./ ~ ~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: Release of Real Estate Mortgage Page 3