HomeMy WebLinkAbout903849KNOW ALL MEN BYTliESE PRESENTS,Tbat First .:- ,, ;<' , ,..' v,,bO, % ,:ss:.,:,,:.?:: LI NCOLN C0t.J, ~:. a corporation, of Ihe Corn,fy of Lincoln and S,,.,. 4 Icj,, C mi n§ doc. hereby certify thai ~ eerlahl mortgage, be~r[flg date the. 24 ,% 4 Deceraber madeamlexemm.d by Teresa Fro~el a.D. as2002. .,,.,,,,~,g,,g.,__. ,. First National Bank-Ke~erer aa nlortgagee, eonve)'hlg certain real e~tate II,erda mentioned as security for lin. puymen, ,,f $__ $36,000.00~ Ihm4. i~.l,d, wi,lob mortgage wa~ recorded in the olliee ol the Counl), Clerk and Ex-Olfici,, It .lli.t,:r .t Deeda of Lincoln i,t lha,k 508 ALL x  Slate of Wyrm,;ng n,, Ih,. 7th dar of January _>~;l '2003 nf l~,~ortgages, at p?ge.[ ~J~/. , . . a,,,I m.rl~.giHg ,c /41o~dag deacrib,,d real esi;m, in ~aid Connly. In-wh: LANDS DESCRIBED IN A~VE SAID MORTGiGE RECEIVED .' . . i_;I'JC-~L~'! COUNTY CLERK 9'03 489 9:23 is, .'|Ih a ri.h, st~c,irud Ibercby. and lhe aforementioned debl, fully paid, .alhfh.d. rd,. s, I Hd ,H.,'harged and in c,,nsi, l.rali.n II.~n..f lbo said lh~a ben, by n'l.ns~ and q.itdaim unio lbo ~nid m-rtgagnr the pnmHscs Ibcrebj cmlvuye, I ,,Hal m,,t Igagcd. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. Ihe First National BAnk-Ket;.H,~Fer has ca.sM II.'se Pre.enid lo he signed by i~ President an,I it. corponHe seal h) he affixed, thl. 6th .qigm.d..%alcd and Dclivered in lite presence of da), al A I h,:-;I ~eaI: /~L] Loan Clerk Note: fi ;I ia nat desired to describe lan& in space II,erefor, i..crt the f. lh,. htg: ".%11 land. described in said mnrlgage. Till,'. STATE OF WYOMING. } C-,,,,tr ,if Lincoln : aa. {hi this 6th Oct. day off XI~ 2004bef.rc me personalty apl,cared In Ili¢ i,ersoHall), k.own..ho, being by me duly nvorn, did say Iltal he ia Lite First National Bank-Ken~aerer Pr e.:;i dent : ' und lhal tin? seal affixed to said inalrnlnenl ia lite corporate seal of said eorpnralh'm, a.d Ihat ~;t ;,I m-I rlmlcnl ,.v {la .igm'd and seah.d .,t h,'half 4 said ~:~ lqmralit.t hy a.lborit)' .f Jla Ih,etd .f Dlrccfors and .aid Loan Clerk ackmJv,'h.dgt,d said i,lalr.nNml lo he die free ici and deed of aaid curjJtJrlllJoll. (live. tmdPr my band and notarial ~eal lids 6th day .f (h' r My ,tu,,,nHs~i.n ex idrea o. lira_ 13th _day of. Nov . Till.: STATE OI? ~i~YOMING. Com,I). O/ A. D'. lq , and did)' recorded in B~k o'clock M., mi Ibc .n Page N.._ l"cc,,. $. Ilv C,ainty Ch,,'k ami I'h-tjffM. II.gist(,r ,d Ih,,.d.~ DClmt) til,'rk