HomeMy WebLinkAbout903936 .EC;EIVED I. 'COUNTY OI_ERK NOTICE OF LIEN 9 0 3 9 3 6 "' ;"-' ~ r~t 10: itl Notice is hereby given that the Lincoln County Alpine ','il ag~ [.lo~.eown,~r-s-Assoctatton herby claims a lien on that ce~ain prope~ ownbd or t,~-~.t p~ed by ~es.he'E?h~d Dorothy R. Bowcu~ in the ~ount of $1,950.00 plus lien fees, ;litt~l'llC) S ¢¢8S, COSTS and other applicable charges for delinquent homeo~ers asses~n~c ~ts and dues Eom 3/8/1997 t~ough 2/10/2004. Assessments are due to the Associal ion on an a~ual basis. This Notice of Lien relates to the prope~ located in Alpine Village in Lincoln CounW, Wyoming more pa~icularly described as follows: Alpine Village Lot 08 m p~i~ 0 3 8 8 T37 Rl18 S18 Dated th i, '? day of October, 2004 Alpine \'ill;tgc I loxneowners Association Collins I~ccry, Vice President By: Title: STATE OF WYOMING '- SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN On the _]~ day of October 2004 personally appeared I,c fi,re me ~~.~ /~_¢//+ , who duly acknowledged to mc thai he/she executed the foregoing Notice of Lien for and behalf of the Alpine Vii Iago 1 [omeowner's Association pursuant to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions mid Restrictions. ¢, County ol ~.. . ~ .......... ~ on Ex ) ',~s r:eptember 8 200!~ Notat3 I'ul)lic Signature