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LINC01_N (:('~ "'""/
contOz'~,~J{ No. 4-07-14-LO223
90 0 3 OkS~T2 ,':I'!: 15
Palisades Project, Idaho
THIS AGRE]~NIENT, made this / ~ day of ~~ ,
1994, pursuant to the Act of Congress approved June 17/ 1902 (32
Stat. 388), and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto,
all of which acts are commonly known and referred to as the
Federal Reclamation Laws, between THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,
hereinafter called the United States, represented by the officer
executing this agreement, hereinafter called the Contracting
hereinafter referred to as the Grantee; and
2. WHEREAS, the United States, through the Bureau of
Reclamation, Department of the Interior, has, pursuant to Federal
Reclamation Laws, acquired certain lands needed in connection
with the Palisades Project, Idaho; and
3. WHEREAS, the Grantee proposes to construct, operate and
maintain a lined drainage ditch and stilling basin, across a
portion of said lands owned by the United States; and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual
covenants and stipulations hereinafter stated, the parties hereto
do mutually agree as follows:
4. The United States hereby grants to the Grantee, subject
to the terms and conditions of this agreement, an easement to
construct, operate, and maintain a lined drainage ditch and
stilling basin upon over, and across property of the United
States within Lot 6, Section 29, T. 37 N., R. 118 W. of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming, further described on the legal description
attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", by this reference made a
part hereof. This easement is more particularly shown on the
plat attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B", by this reference made
a part hereof.
5. The Grantee shall use said premises for the purposes
stated herein and agrees that in the use of said premises it
shall conduct its operations in a good and workmanlike manner,
and shall insure compliance with all local and State laws, and
with all laws, regulations, and orders of the United States
affecting such operations. The failure of the Grantee, after due
, ,- 0623
notice, to abide by any of the terms and conditions of any of
such applicable laws, rules, and regulations shall cause this
agreement to be subject to immediate termination at the option of
the Contracting Officer.
6. This right-of-way is granted subject to all rights
previously acquired by third parties. Further, the rights
granted by this agreement are not exclusive and shall not
prohibit the United States from authorizing similar rights to
other parties.
7. Palisades Reservoir is at full capacity at an elevation
of 5620 feet, and according to the drawings submitted, half of
the stilling basin is located in the reservoir. The Grantee is
responsible for future maintenance on this system.
8. The Grantee agrees as follows:
a. There is reserved to the United States, and to its
successors and assigns, the prior right to use any of the right-
of-way herein described to construct, operate, and maintain all
structures and facilities, including but not limited to, canals,
wasteways, laterals, ditches, roadways, electrical transmission
lines, communication structures generally, substations,
switchyards, powerplants, and any other appurtenant irrigation
and power structures and facilities, without any payment made by
the United States or the District, or their successors for such
b. That if the construction of any or all of such
structures and facilities across, over, or upon said right-of-way
should be made more expensive by reason of the existence of
improvements or works of the Grantee thereon, such additional
expense is to be estimated by the Secretary of the Interior,
whose estimate is to be final and binding upon the parties
hereto. Within ninety days after demand is made upon the Grantee
for payment of any such sums, the Grantee will"make payment
thereof to the United States, or to any of their successors or
assigns constructing such structures and facilities across, over,
and upon said lands. As an alternative to payment, the Grantee,
at its sole cost and expense and within time limits established
by the Government, may remove or adapt facilities constructed and
operated by it on said right-of-way to accommodate the
aforementioned structures and facilities of the United States.
The Grantee shall bear the cost to the United States of any costs
occasioned by the failure of the Grantee to remove or adapt its
facilities within the time limits specified.
c. There is also reserved to the United States the
right of their officers, agents, employees, licensees, and
permittees, at all proper times and places freely to have ingress
to, passage over, and egress from all of said right-of-way for
, 0624
the purpose of exercising, enforcing, and protecting the rights
reserved herein.
d. That the United States and its employees and
successors and assigns, shall not' be held liable of any damage to
the Grantee's improvements or works by reason of the exercise of
the rights here reserved; nor shall anything contained in this
paragraph be construed as in any manner limiting other
reservations in favor of the United States contained in this
9. The Grantee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless the United States, its agents and employees, from any
loss or damage and from any liability on account of personal
injury, death, or property damage, or claims for personal injury,
death, or property damage of any nature whatsoever and by
whomsoever made arising out of the Grantee's activities under
this agreement.
10. The Grantee shall use, operate, and maintain its
facilities in such a manner as not to interfere with the
operation and maintenance of the Palisades Project, or with the
administration of adjacent land or right-of-way owned by the
United States.
11. Hazardous Waste.
a. The Grantee shall comply with all Federal laws and
regulations existing or hereafter enacted or promulgated with
regards to any toxic substances that are used, generated by or
stored on the right-of-way authorized under this agreement.
Additionally, any release of toxic substances in excess of
established reportable quantities shall be reported as required
by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act. A copy of any report required or requested by any
Federal agency or State government as a result of a reportable
release or spill of any toxic substances shall be furnished to
the authorized officer concurrent with the filing of the reports
to the involved Federal agency or State government.
b. The Grantee agrees to indemnify the United States
against any liability arising from the release of any hazardous
substance or hazardous waste on the right-of-way (unless the
release or threatened release is wholly unrelated to the
Grantee's activity on the right-of-way) or resulting from the
activity of the Grantee on the right-of-way. This agreement
applies without regard to whether a release is caused by the
Grantee, his agent or unrelated third parties.
12. Upon termination of this agreement for any reason, the
Grantee shall, at the option of the Contracting Officer, remove
all structures and facilities placed upon the premises by the
Grantee and shall restore the lands occupied by such structures
and facilities to a safe and sightly condition satisfactory to
the Contracting Officer. If the Grantee fails to remove its
structures and facilities within sixty (60) days after
termination of the agreement, such structures and facilities, at
the option of the Contracting Officer, shall become the property
of the United States, and the United States may remove the same
and restore the lands at the expense of the Grantee, which shall
promptly pay for such work upon receipt of billing.
13. The provisions of this agreement shall apply to and
bind the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but no
assignment or transfer of this agreement or any part or interest
therein shall be valid until approved by the Contracting Officer.
This provision, however, shall not apply to the placing of
mortgages, deeds of trust, or similar liens upon the interest of
the Grantee or upon the Grantee's own improvements on the
premises; or to the pledge or assignment of this agreement as
security for the financing of the Grantee; or to the voluntary or
involuntary transfers in pursuance of such instruments.
14. This agreement can be amended as necessary upon the
approval of the parties hereto.
15. This agreement shall terminate:
a. At the option of the Contracting Officer if the
Grantee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions
b. At the option of the Contracting Officer upon
discontinuance of the use of the facilities constructed by the
Grantee in accordance with the terms of this agreement for a
period of twelve (12) consecutive months.
c. At the request of the Grantee by giving written
notice to the Contracting Officer.
16. No Member of or Delegate to Congress or Resident
Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this
contract or to any benefit that may arise herefrom. This
restriction shall not be construed to extend to this contract if
made with a corporation or company for its general benefit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed
this agreement the day and year first above written.
Sn~ '~or/~'ea ~l~.~J
~ources ~agement East
t~.lreau of Reclamation
State of Wyoming,
Department of Transportation
~ At
0 0404a
062 7
: ss
County of ~ )
On this /~ day of S~TA~O , 1994, personally
appeared before me ~wo%d ', known to me to
be the official of THE UNITED F AMERICA that executed the
within and foregoingrinstrument and acknowledged said instrument
to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said United States,
for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated
that he was authorized to execute said instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my official seal the day and year first above written.
No 1
cary~ 'c.i and for the
State-~f~o, ~.
Residing at /~,~4~Z
My commissiOn Wxpires: ~-~{-~
County of
· ss
J day of
= -~.~, 1994, personally
appeared before me ~,~/ ~ known to me to
~e the~m~,~/6°~,~ ~r~4~~F~--of the s~at-~ wyoming,
Department of TransportaZion that executed the within and
foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the
free and voluntary act and deed of said ~ ~/~{/~m~/~4m ,
for the uses and purposes therein menti6~',~ and oK oath ~tated
that they were authorized to execute said instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
my official seal as of the day and year first above written.
~otary PubIic in and for the
State of
Residing at
My commission expires:
0 90404;3
Exhibit "A"
Ail that portion of Lot 6, Section 29, Fractional T. 37 N.,
R. 118 W. of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, being described as follows:
Commencing at the center quarter corner of said Section 29;
thence S.83o22,12.3,,W. a distance of 267.95 feet;
thence N.28o13,56.98,,E. a distance of 9.37 feet to the point of
beginning of a circular curve concave northwesterly, the radius of which is
954.93 feet;
thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of
24°49'59.96'' a distance of 413.89 feet to the point of beginning of a 10048'
spiral curve concave westerly, the spiral length of which is 360 feet;
thence northerly along said spiral curve through a central angle of
10047'07.25'' a distance of 346.74 feet to a point;
thence N.82o35,57.07,,E. a distance of 75 feet, more or less, to the True
Point of Beqinning, said point of beginning also being a point located on the
easterly boundary of a tract of land described in Book 83 PR at Pages 193-195
of the Lincoln County records, also being a point on the existing right-of-
way boundary;
thence N.7o24'02.98,,W. along the easterly boundary of said tract of land
a distance of 330 feet;
thence N.82o35,57.02,,E. a distance of 80 feet;
thence S.7o24,02.98,,E. a distance of 290 feet;
thence S.56o02,02.84,,W. a distance of 89.4 feet, more or less, to the
point of beginning.
The above described parcel of land contains 0.6 of an acre, more or
C) ~