HomeMy WebLinkAbout904216 ..... i':"~ ~ ,,i: IVED CORRECTIVE ~l~F?g' 9 0 2 ! 6 STATEMENT ~,~fiO~E~YI0: .' ~/,, ~,,'~ This Corrective Sheriff's Deed is to co~-C[ that ce'd~'i~'~ri~s Deed which recorded in Book 562, Page 190 of the official records of the Lincoln County Clerk, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, on July / _¥, 2004, which contained two (2) errors. The corrected errors are in bold print in this Corrective Sheri~s Deed. was The following described real property was sold by the herein named Sheriff to CLARENCE REINHART, pursuant to a mortgage held by the EQUITABLE LIFE & CASUALTY, recorded August 31, 1998 and filed in Book 416, page 527 as instrument number 852889 in the Lincoln County Records, for the sum of $824,326.07 dollars, such sum being just and reasonable and the highest bid offered for such property at sale; and that such property is located in Alpine, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, being more fully described as follows: All lots as contained within Alpendorf Subdivision, Phase I, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to the plat filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 5, 1989, as Instrument No. 700391. AND All Lots as contained within Alpendorf Subdivision, Phase II, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed in the Office of the Clerk on March 6, 1991 as nstrument No. 729430. EXCEPTING THEREFROM Lots 3 and 4 of the Alpendorf Subdivision Phase I and Phase II. AND Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 16 of the Rees Subdivision, a part of Section 20, T37N R118W of the 6t" P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence West 100 feet; thence S 0° 04' 00" E, 326.70 feet parallel with thence West line of said Lot 16; thence East 100 feet to a point; thence N 0° 04'00" W, 326.70 feet along said west line of Lot 16, to the point of beginning. Sheriffs Deed, Page ] of 3 '0':'56 There bein9 a certificate of purchase was issued to CLARENCE REINHART and no assignment of the certificate bein9 made. NOW THEREFORE, know all men by.this deed, that I, Lee Gardner, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises, havin9 9ranted and sold and do hereby convey to CLARENCE REINHART, his heirs and assi§ns, the followin9 described tract of land: All lots as contained within Alpendorf Subdivision, Phase I, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to the plat filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 5, 1989, as nstrument No. 700391. AND All Lots as contained within Alpendorf Subdivision, Phase II, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed in the Office of the Clerk on March 6, 1991 as Instrument No. 729430. EXCEPTING THEREFROM Lots 3 and 4 of the Alpendorf Subdivision Phase I and Phase II. AND Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 16 of the Rees Subdivision, a part of Section 20, T37N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence West 100 feet; thence S 0° 04' 00" E, 326.70 feet parallel with thence West line of said Lot 16; thence East 100 feet to a point; thence N 0" 04'00" W, 326.70 feet along said west line of Lot 16, to the point of beginning. To have and to hold the described premises with al appurtenances to the said CLARENCE REINHART, his heirs and assigns forever. SherifJ's Deed. Page 2 ,~ 3 WITNESS my hand and seal this .;2 & day of October, 2004. Lincoln County Sheriff STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me by LEE GARDNER, who appeared before me and was personally known to me, and was by whom duly sworn and upon oath represented that he was the SHERIFF of LINCOLN COUNTY, that the instrument was signed on behalf of the LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE by the authority of the State of Wyoming, acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of the SHERIFF and the LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE, this o?~, day of October, 2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I~O~.RY POB~C- ' My Commission Expires.~ 7~/~.~- Sheriffs Deed, Page 3 oj 3