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HomeMy WebLinkAbout904248AmeriTitle CW-31486n
,R.F-C. F 1 VE D
',, 0 5 71vapad ;.O_4_O WARRANTYt- EE 'b.r¥CLERK
GER~ L. MCCLI~TIC~nd ~REN MCC~INTJC~ as,Trustee& o[ 7~E r ra ~sn dated Atgust
26,1999 as G~O~. a uerre NflClinr~c~ a.~.a, karln
for good and valuable considerations, the recect of which is hereto acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto
GEORGE FELON CARTWRIGH~ JR., att ttntnarr[ed man and REENA BETH ~ UCHWERGER, an unntarried woman,
as G~NTEE,
whose address is 174 Roan Way, Etna, WY83118, and Grantee's successors and assigns, all of the following described real property, to-wit:
Lot 108 in Nordic Ranches Division No. 8, Lincoht County, Wyonting as described on the official plat thereof
TOGETHER WITH but subject to that certain Grant of Access recorded itt Book 472 at Page 703, as Instrument No.
875928, Lincoln Cottnty, Wyoming, Records Oflice.
SUBJECT TO the 2004 and subsequettt years general taxes attd assesstn ettts, all existing patent reservations, easements,
right of ways, protective and restrictive covenants, zoning ordinances attd applicable buildbtg codes, laws and regulations.
TOGETHER WITH arty and all improvements, water attd ditch rtghts, easements, tenements, hereditamentsand appurtenancesthereunto belonging or
in anywise appertaining, and any reverston, remainder, rents, tssues, and profits thereqfi
Grantor, for himself and his successors and asstgns, does hereby warrant and agree ro forever defend the Grantee, and Grantee's successors and
assigns, in the quiet and peaceful possession of said premises against the lawful claims of any and all persons.
In construing this Deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural, and the masculine, the feminine and neuter.
Dy October 26. 2004
Karen McClintick, Trustee
Karen McClintick
COUNTY OF ~_~r~ r~of I ! ~_
) ss
On October 26, 2004 , before rng the undersigned, personall)' appeared
Gerre U McClintick and Karen McCllntick
known or identified to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are sub,~cribed to
the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/site/they executed the same.
Notary Public for the State of I4ahq (}, XJ
Commissio Expiration Va,e:
COUNTY OF ~ ) ss
On ¢ (X9 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared
Gerre L. McClintick and Karen McClintick
known or identified to me to be the person whose name ts subscribed to the within
instrument as Trustees of the McClintick Family Trust and acknowledged to me
tha~hey executed the same as Trustees of such Trust.
Notary Public for the State of }
Commission ExpirationDate:
497 N. Capital Ave ' P.O, ~ox 5~o90 -i~'~'~"~°~a'ils: 7~-f405-1690' (208) 524-6600
Warranty Deed 0/97) ~P6~.e ) '