HomeMy WebLinkAbout904489STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 1N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) OF ) ) HARRIS R. RADY, a.k.a. HARRIS ) RICHARD RADY, a.k.a. RICHARD RADY,) ) Deceased. ) CLERK THIRD JUDICIAL DiSCman [0:36 ORDER APPROVING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTING . AND DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION THE ABOVE CAPTIONED MATTER comes on for hearing before the Court in regular order pursuant to Notice dated September 27, 2004, assigning said matter f~ hearing at this time and place, and the Final Report and Accounting and Petiti~m for Distribution as heretofore filed with this Court by the Personal Representative of the above captioned estate, and the Court, hav- ing reviewed the Court file of record herein and being duly advised in the premises, FINDS that the Personal Representative has duly and timely served notice of this heating on all interested parties in accordance with the Notice of Final Settlement of Estate, that therefore the Court has full and complete jurisdiction over the. subject matter and all interested parties, and therefore this matter ought to proceed on to full and final heating and dctcrmination on the merits. THIS MATTER PROCEEDING on to final hearing and determination the Court notes that no objections have been filed, in writing or otherwise ~o said Final Report and Accounting and Petition for Distribution. The Court therefore SPE('II':ICALLY FINDS that each and all of the statements made in said Final Report and Accounting mad Petition for Distribution are true and correct, that the accounting attached thereto is true and con'ect, that the conduct of the Per- sonal Representative in the administration of this estate in thc State of Wyoming as reflected in said, report is in accordance with law and the prior Orders o1' dfis Court, that the administration of said estate is fully and Finally concluded in the State of Wyoming and that said estate is ready for dis'tribution, and therefore order ought to be entered at this time fully and Finally approving, rati- fyihg and confLrming thg";Final Report and Accour)ting and Petition for Distribution, and all do- ings of the Personal Representative in the premises, and decree ought to be entered providing for 1 ; c 0195 the full and final distribution of this estate; and the closing thereof. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Final Report and Accounting and Petition for Distribution as filed by the Personal Representative in these pro- ceedings be-and the same is fully and finally ratified, confirmed and approved and all doings of the. Personal Representative be, and the same are hereby fully and finally approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED the Personal Representa- tive shall proceed to make fmal distribution of the assets of thi, estate located in the State of Wy- oming as follows: The real property of the decedent located at Star Valley Ranch, Lincoln County, Wyom- ing, and described as follows: Lot 22, Star Valley Ranch Plat'12, as platted and recorded in the office of the Lin- coln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, located in Township 35, Range 118, Section 31, in the Southeast Comer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, also known as 32 Solitude Court, Thayne, Wyoming 83127 be and the same is hereby set over and distributed to Bobbce Rady, 4285 North Yellowstone Highway, No. 26, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DI~CREED that any after discovered property of the decedent constituting the residuary estate of thc decedent be and the same is here- by set over and distributed to the said Bobbee Rady. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND I)I..'CREED that in conjunction there- with the Personal Representative shall file a certified cop)' of this Order of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming in which said real property is situate. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that when the Personal Representative has completed distribution of all estate assets as herein ordered; has filed a certi- fied copy of this Decree of Distribution with the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming and has paid all fees and expenses connected therewith that thc Personal Representative shall file with the Court her Petition for Discharge. DATED this ~ % day of Frederic C. Reed Attorney at Law P.O. Box 341 Cheyenne, WY 82003-0341 (307) 634-1346 ,2004. :tneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Distr ct Cou~ within and foresaM and In th~o, eba,d,