HomeMy WebLinkAbout904529 C~,.~SHERIFF'S DE~D,. :';EOEIVEB WHE~ASg~ ~~ 2004 at the hour t,l' l'()~O'0r;:m~.~el~ffbnt door or the Ltficoln County Cou~house, Ke~erer, L~ncoln County, X~ > om?ge ~ p~)~, 5~nff of L~ncoln County, Wyoming offered the following-described properb l~)t' sale at publld ~n~e pursuant to a Notice of Foreclosure Sale ~d did sell the following-descri bcd prbp~rty t0 Befi~ficial Wyoming, Inc. according to power of sale conta~ed in the Me,gage gi yen by Orson Francis Brierley and Marg~et Ellen Brierley, Mo~gagors, to Beneficial Wyoming. Inc., Modgagee, dated December 12, 2001 and recorded December 17, 2001 in the Office t~t' the Count Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Linco~ County, Wyoming, in B,~ol< 479PR, at Page 395, and that according to the M6~gage and the laws and statutes of the %tare of Wyoming said Deputy Sheriff did sell the following-described prope~y to Beneficial Wy~)ming, Inc. for the amount of the Foreclosure Sale bid of $107,160.00 as indicated by the Ccrtilicate of Sale dated June 29, 2003 and recorded on June 29, 2003 in Book 560PR m Page 254. NOW, THEREFORE, know all men by this Deed, that I, , Sherifl'q)cputy Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, in consideration of the premises, have grantcd und sold and do hereby convey to Beneficial Wyoming, Inc., its successors, and assigns, the fiflh~wing-described tract of land: Lot 14 of the Easy Acres Subdivision, Phase I, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. To have and to hold the above-described premises with all appurtenances to the said Beneficial Wyoming, Inc., its successors and assigns l'~rc\'cr. AJdr¢ , r wn:m ss STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN MY HAND A~fl~ ," ", S I,; A L, this ,2004. II I; ,, ~in~oln.Count v. Wyoming ) ) SS ) day of foregoing instrument was ;~c 1< nowledged befq[~, me by r,~r 6~,,z/',~_,,-- , Sheriff/Deputy Sheriff, this ~ day of 2004. Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My co~ission expires: N~ARY PtJI~I,I~ _MIj~ ¢¢:)mrnlssion Expires JanUll'y ~3, 0572 .' n,',75 Recorded In Book .~ ~ Pane, ":~,,- 7 % Kemmerer, WY No. ~1~;~.~ ........... Jeanne Wagner, Clerk