HomeMy WebLinkAbout904666KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS, That Fir(~L National Ba nk-Kemmerer 0871 a corporation, o! tile County of Lincoln . ~ S,,,,e of Wyoming . dn,,s hereby certify that a certain mortgage, bearlng date the .... 18th ,lay ot December A.D. ,,,,nle,,nd execuh.d by Roger A. Schanzenbach asm,,rtgagor__, to First National Bank-Ke.ti~l(~rer as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentloued as sec.rl,y for the payme,~! o! $ 79,203.68~"- fllerchl stated, wblcb morlgage was record~ in the GU]Ce of the Co.nb Clerk and Ex-Olficio Regisler of Deeds of LiHcoiH Co,..v s,~ ol W~o.,i.~. ,., d,~ 22nd d.y ~ December ~200~ in ih,ok 544 of Mor~ages, at page 494 a,,d m,rtgagi,lg the following described real eslale in said Cm, nly. Io-wh: ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN ABOVE SAIl> HORTGAGE RECEIVED 11/17/2004 at 4:16 PM RECEIVING # 904666 BOOK: 572 PAGE: 871 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~s. wilh a ..lc secured Ihereby, and the aloremendoned debt, f.lly paid. satisfied, rch'as,,d, a.d discharged ami in c, Jusid,,rali.n Ilwre.[ Ih. said n.,rlgam'c d,,,,s I.,rcby reh,ase anti quitclaim unto tile said mortgagor tile i,r,.,,dses thereby cou~c),.d ami mortgaged. IN WI'i'NI~SS WIIEREOF, the First Nations J Bank-Ke~erer I.,s c.'msed th,,se Presents to be signed by its ami its corporate seal to be affixed, this lTth Sigm.d, Sealed ami Delivered in Ibc presence of Pres id~nt a,,r of. November ^. D. %,K 2OQ4 Its President ..... NoIc:'U it is not desired to describe lands iu .imu,, therefor, insert tile f, dh,wilJg: "All lands described in said morlgage." 'I'IIE STATE OF wYOMING, C,,,,,~i>. nf L~ nco}q] ss. Gu ,I,i, 17 day of. Novemhor ,~2004. beh,rc me personally appeared h, me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that h. is the President First National Hank-Kemmerer ami Ihat the scsi affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and ti,at said instrun]ent was s;gm,d g~il se~lr.~.)f b,;~,~lJ 6[Ipuul c,,r -,ratio. I')a.lb.rityofltslhmrd,dl)irectorsandsaid Loan Clerk ~ -.,~.~ ..,,~..~.~ i ack-.wh,dm,d said instrunlent to be tim ,tree act and deed ,>f said v,,,i.,ralion. :~,~ ~'Q '. r:~,. ,~,~eso. ', A~D.~ 200.4 .i¥,.,, .nde. h.,,d ,,,,.  % o,. ,~ .--~ ~:' /' ' II ,.,,,b,,,. TIlE STATE OF WYOMING. C..nty of This instrument was filed lot record at... A. I). U,~ , and duly recorded in Book. o'ch,,,k_____.M., on the ' ge., day nf Fees. $.. C,,,,,,ty { :l,'rk an,I ENd tffi,.h, Ilegistt,r of I )eeds I1~ J)rloll} Ch.rk