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RECEIVING # 904731
BOOK: 573 PAGE: 235
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTy,: II,at the Town of Diamondville,
an incorporated Town of the County of Lincoln, Sta~,. ,,t' \Vyoming, Grantor, for and in
consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 Doll:~; ($10.00) and other valuable
consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby :~.,'l:~,)!vledged, has hereby remised~
released and forever quitclaimed unto the said Antlx',,~tv
Tomassi, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, tl,,i~-heirs and assigns forever, all
such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim a~, t ~l,mmnct, as they may or ought to
have in or to all the following described property, to-xx
A Parcel of land being a portion of West Seco}~,! \ yen ue of the Town of
Diamondville, Wyoming as identified on the 1~.1 .' l~lat of the Town of
Diamondville on file in the Lincoln County Ck.~ I~ '~ el'rice in Kemmerer,
Wyoming and being that portion of said West 5,, ..,,}~ d Avenue bounded on
the east side by Parcel 195 of said 1942 plat el' ti,,. I'own of Diamondville
and bounded on the west by the presently exist i ,:, c;tst side right of way
boundary of U.S. Highway 30-189 and being n~,, ~,: particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at the northwest comer of Parcel. I ,,, !' ~t particular parcel of land
described and on file at the Lincoln County Cc, t,, i I,,,t~sc, recorded in book 274
on page 468, where is found an aluminum surv~ ,,;tp; fl~ence N78°56'E along
the northerly boundary of said Parcel 4, 30.00 t~, ~t ~) a point. Said point being
the northeast comer of said parcel and the nor~l~ ~,.,~.:~ corner of Lot 10 of Block
22 of said 1942 Plat of Diamondville. Thence ~-;! I I)4'E along the westerly
boundary of said Lot 10, 140.00 feet to the soull ~,.,. ,'~';t comer of said Lot 10;
thence continuing S1 l°04'E, 194.02 feet to thc t;, ,i~t o£ Beginning of this
description. Said Point of Beginning being thc ~,~ t l~wcst comer of Parcel 195
as per said 1942 Plat of Diamondville. Thence ,, ,~ ~l imping S1 l°04'E, 306.11
feet to a point. Said point being the intersection ,, I'tl~c westerly boundary of
Lot 10 Block 28 of said 1942 Plat of Diamondx il I,~ :~1 the easterly Highway
Right of Way as described and recorded in B o,,t. :; t'age 426 on file at the
Lincoln County Courthouse. Thence N17°19'1}'~-: ?,' along the easterly boundary
of said Highway Right of Way, 24.70 feet to tl~ i,, ,i~t of curvature of a curve
to the right, the radius of said curve being 371') tk.ct and bearing N72°40'52"E.
Thence northerly 234.01 feet along the arc of s:~i, 1 curvc tO the right, through a
central angle of 3°36'17'' to a point on the curvt. I I~cnce continuing 47.57 feet
along the arc of said curve to the right through, ,','t~tral angle of 0°43'58";
Thence N77°01'06"E, 22.75' to the point ofbc,~tt~it~g of this description. The
area of the parcel described herein being 0.094 .,,,..~.s more or less.
A Parcel of land located in Tract 42, Tract 46, at,,I >;cction 25 of the Resurvey
of T.21N., R. 116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln Co t~, ~ ,,. Town of Diamondville,
Wyoming and also being the southerly 234 feet ,,l' :t particular parcel of land
conveyed b y Quit Claim Deed from the Wyoming;, I tighway Commission to
the Town of Diamondville as recorded in book .',: page 641 on file in the
Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyon~,~, and being more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest comer of Parcel .I ,, l' a particular parcel of land
described and on file at the Lincoln County Cot~, t l,,,ttsc, recorded in Book 274
on Page 468, where is found an aluminum surv,~,, "',~l): thence N78°56'E along
the northerly boundary of said Parcel 4, 30.00 I L-',.t ~,, a point. Said point being
the northeast comer of said parcel and the north,., ~.:;~ corner of Lot 10 of Block
22 of the 1942 Plat of Diamondville. Thence S 1 I I~.l' E along the westerly
boundary of said Lot 10, 140.00 feet to the sorely,,,. ~-st comer of said Lot 10;
thence continuing S1 l°04'E, 194.02 feet to a poi~t. Naid point being the
northwest comer of Parcel 195 of the 1942 PI:,~ ,tt' lhe Town of Diamondville.
Thence continuing S 1 l°04'E, 306.11 feet to ',~ i,,,i~t Said point being the
intersection of the westerly boundary of Lot I ~ I i lo cie 28 of the 1942 Plat of
the Town of Diamondville and the easterly l l i.:. It \\a,F Right of Way as described
and recorded in Book 8 Page 426 on file at ti~c I i~coln County Courthouse.
Thence N17°19'08"W along the easterly bott t~, l:trv o 1' said Highway Right of
Way, 24.70 feet to the point of curvature ora ~'t~'vc to the right, the radius of said
curve being 3719.7 feet and bearing N72°40'5 ~"1:. S aid point of curvature being
the Point of Beginning of this description. Th~ }~'c northerly 234.01 feet along the
arc of said curve to the right through a central :~ ~!, lc o t' 3°36' 16"; thence
S76°17'08"W, 50.02 feet to a point. Said poi~[ l,,.i~g a point on a curve to the left
and being a point on the westerly boundary o I il ~t txtrticular parcel of land
described and recorded in book 237 on page ~,-II ,,~ file in the Lincoln County
Courthouse. The radius point for said curve t,, li~,., lcl't bears N76°17'08"E,
3769.72 feet. Thence southerly 185.56 feet ah,, ~:, t l~c arc of said curve to the
left through a central angle of 2°49' 13"; The~c,_ continuing 51.59 feet along the
arc of said curve to the left through a central :~,,,Ic ' ....
ol 0 ~7 03 ; Thence
N72°40'52"E, 50.02 feet to the point ofbegim~!~ of this description. The area
of the parcel described herein being 0.094 ac~',, . ~,)l.c or less.
Subject, however, to all reservations, restricti ,..~ exceptions, easements and
rights of way of record or in sight or in use.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights un&.~ :~cl by virtue of the homestead
exemption laws of the State of Wyoming
WITNESS our hand this 20th day of October _'~ ~I ~4.
To~n Clerk
I,~wn of Diamondville
) ss
The foregoing instrument was acknoWledged t~..li)rc me this 20th day of October
2004 by SUSAN HUNZ1E and JEANNE HORSBLIi:,( ;I I, ~l~e Mayor and Town Clerk,
respectively, of the Town of Diamondville, and bei~s, I~x. me first duly sworn, did state
that they have signed and sealed the foregoing instrun~.,.~ on behalf of the said Town by
authority of its Town Council, and acknowledged said i~:;~rument to be the free act and
deed of said Town.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires:(~.,d~ /0 .ZOO7