HomeMy WebLinkAbout904768 RECEIVED 11/23/2004 at 10:24 AM RECEIVING # 904768 BOOK: 573 PAGE: 327 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRAN'i'Y DEED HOWARD MCKIM and MARTHA MC](]'~d, husband and wife, grantors of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyom]~g, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledgment, CONVEY AND WARRANT to HOWARD V. MCKIM, MARTHA MCKIM and ROBERT MC]<I~'I~ truStees in trust under THE HOWARD AND MARTHA MCKIM REVOCABLE TPU~';T, grantees, the following described real estate situate in Cou]~.¥ of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of thc State, to-wit: Parcel No. 1 Beginning at a point 114 rods 1] feet West and 72 rods 9 feet North of the East quarter (E¼) c~r]~er of Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, thence running West 8 rods 1 foot, thence Nortt'~ 30 rods 7% feet, thence East 8 rods 1 foot, thence South 30 ro~; 7% feet to the point of beginning and containing 1% acrc~:, more or less, together with- all improvements, appurtenances ~'~'~L] water rights appertaining thereto. Parcel No. 2 Beginning at a point 122 rods 12 feet west and 73 rods 5½ feet North of the Southeast Corner of 'the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE¼NE¼) of S~-l.ion 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West and running thence West 14 rods 5 feet; thence North 29 rods 11½ feet; thence E.~st ].4 rods 5 feet; thence South 29 rods 11% feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.52 acres. Parcel No. 3 Beginning at a point which is a[~].zoximately 114 rods 11 feet West and 73 rods 5 feet North of the Enst one-quarter corner of Section 23, Township 34 North R~nge 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming, said beginning point being the S~.>utl~east Corner of the Howard V. McKim tract (deed recorded Octo}~]- 1, 1956, in Book 18 of P.R., page 431), and running thence S~3~th approximately 66 feet to the North boundary of land owned by ],incoln County School District No. 2 (deed recorded February 1Q~ 1962, in Book 53 of P.R., Page 175, Recording No. 366614), then~ West, along said North boundary, approximately 8 rods 1 foot to the Northwest Corner of said School District No. 2 prope~ty, thence North approximately 66 feet to the South boundary o.7 the said Howard V. McKim property, thence East approximately 8 rods 1 foot to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the (qrantors of that deed recorded November 12, 1980 in Book 170PR, ~>age 174, Recording No. 548404, between Jim W. Stoker and Julie ~:. Stoker, grantors, and Howard V. McKim and Marth V. McKim, gray,tees, and their heirs, successors and assigns, a right-~f-way easement over, across and along the existing roadway throuu'l~ the above described tract, 12½ feet each side of the centerline c,f said roadway, for ingress and egress by grantors, and their he:i~:s, successors and assigns, from the city street to contiguous p~,:,perty on the East owned by the grantors, said right-of-way to bc shared with the grantees, and their heirs, successors and assJqns. WITNESS our hands this ~/ day of ~~, 1985. lV13,.,l~ [itA V. MCKIM STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument wa:. acknow}.edged before me by Howard V. McKim and Martha V. McKim t-his .~/~day of _~zF.~/F~_,~ , 1985. W'ITNESS my hand and official seal. -~_]'~');[~;~RY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: I ,~ Lincoln -2-