HomeMy WebLinkAbout904822AFFIDAVIT 0494 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN COMES NOW, Jack T. Parrish and Sheila M. l'~,rrish, husband and wife by the entireties of Alpine, J~in.~ who, being (lu]y sworn, on oath according to law by .~~ (-z~~~-~a Notary l'ul,]Jc of Lincoln County, Wyoming, W tatements o1' Facts and affirm: do hereby make the follo zng s THAT they are the owners of 2.16 acres of ]and lying within and being a part of the SE~ NW~ and the SW~ NW~ of Section ]5, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, W.yoming. THAT the northerly part of the above desc~'ibed 2.16 acres is within the "Longview Ranch and-'Longview RAhch Resort l'rJvate Road Easement," recorded on the 13th day of September 2OO/~, as recording number 902762 in Book 566 PR, Page 860, in the Office of tl,,~. Iincoln County Clerk. THAT they understand and agree to the fact. that the northerly thirty (30) feet of their 2.16 acres is subject to th~ above described road easement, recorded in Kemmerer, Wyoming, for the I,url~ose of access to any Krautter Family Trust land of record that is locat~d west of U.S. Highway 89, in the northwest quarter of said described S(.~ction 15. ~ Novembez", 2004. WITNESS our hands thi~/~__day of Jack T. Parrish / Shei]a M. Parrish The foregoing instrument was acknowledge(] I,efore me by Jack T. Parrish and Sheila M. Parrish, who have acknowledged ~Lme that they executed the same as their free act and deed this /;~ day of November, 200~. WITNESS my hand and official seal: / RECEIVED 11/29/2004 at 10:30 AM RECEIVING # 904822 BOOK: 573 PAGE: 494 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY A drawing of' a 30t X /~1~5' Road and Utility Easement that 'is to be made part,' of a corrected Warranty, D, ee~ td Ja'ck and Shei'la P~rris'h'. "' ,') Jack and, ,Sheila Parrish 2.16 Acres WELL' sng°58'30"E- 26'6.50' .... TRAIL CP, EEK