HomeMy WebLinkAbout904823 RECEIVED 11/29/2004 at 10:32 AM RECEIVING # 904823 BOOK: 573 PAGE: 496 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIH DEED '- 0496 On this ~ .j day of November, 2004, Jack T. Parrish and Sheila M. Parrish, husband and wife,Convey and Qui%¢laim the f~lowing described private road easement for the usa and benefit of all Lincolnproperty County, owners Wyoming. located in the NW~ of Section 15, T36N Rllgw, The private road easement herein being quitclaimed is for the purposes of access from U.S. Highway 89 to any Longview Ranch land or any Lon~view Ranch Resort l~nd that is located West of U.S. ~i~hway 89; said easement is 1694.90 fee~ in length, 60 feet in width (30 feet each side of the Longview Road centerline) and encloses an area of 2.33 acres for the benefit of the landowners their successors and assigns. , Beginnin~ at the West Quarter Corner of said Section 15, T36N Rll9W where is located a BLM ~ype brass survey cap, set in the year 2000 by Marlowe Scherbel PLS ~3~8, inscribed as being the common Quarter Corner of Sections 15 and ~6 of T36N RllgW, Lincoln County, Wyoming; thence S 89.58,30,, E, alon~ ~he south boundary of the NW~ of Section 15, a distance of 750.00 feet to an aluminum survey cap marked "PE & LS 3514',, said survey cap also being the southeast property corner of Lot 1 of the Longview Ranch Subdivision, Phase 2 of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Kemmerer, Wyoming as instrumen~ number 802260; thence N 00~32,00. W, along the east boundary of the 32.71 acre Longview Ranch Subdivision, a distance of 30 feet to a buried 3/4,' X 1~,, cadmium plated bolt at the intersection of Fox Trail and Longview Road; said buried 3/4" X 16" cadmium plated bolt bein~ the point of beginnin~ of the followin~ centerline survey along South Lon~v~ew Road, the following courses and distances: S 89~58,30,, E, 250.00 feet; N 67~19,25,, E, 82.75 fee~; N g1~2%,40,, E, 630.44 fee~; N 56o59,30" E, 57.05 fee~; N 50038,35,, E, 191.20 feet; N 62o12,00', E, 69.84 feet N 76~44,20. E, 57.50 feet; $ 89023'05'' E, 56.50 feet S 82~1~,$2,, E, 299.62 feet to a point of intersection with U.S. Highway 89, where is found a buried survey point inscribed PE & LS 3514 on the west right-of-way boundary line of Highway 89. IN WITNESS W~EREOF of November, 2004. the parties set their han. d~ on this ~%~/~ day State of Wyomin~ ) County of Lincoln ) The fore~oin~ instrumen5 was acknowled~ed.~efore me by Jack T Parrish and Shells M. Parrish this ~'~--- ' November, 2004. day of County o¢ ~-~.~ State of Lincoln _~ Wyoming nd official seal My Commission ~xpires: