HomeMy WebLinkAbout904847SU BORDINATIOI'I AGREEMI:flT NOTICE: THIS SUBORDINATION. AGREEMENT (F_SULTS IN YOUR SECURITY INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY BECOMIII¢; SUBJECT TO AND OF LOWER PRIORITY THAN THE LIEN OF 5OME OTItER OR LATER SECURITY INSTRUMENT. TI'IlS AGREEMENT, made this ~ ¢"---' day o[ t~ovember, 2004 by BART MYERS AND RITA [.IYi.],tS, Husband and Wife owner of tile land hereinafter described and hc'r,;i,n~fter rererred to as "Owner," and FIRST INTERSTATE BANK i)resent owner and holder of the mortgage and ~,,t~ first hereinafter described and hereinafter referred to as "Mortgagee;" WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS. BART MYERS AND RITA MYERS. tlusband and Wife did execute a mortgage dated December 30, 2003 , to FIRST INTERSTATE BALK as mortgagee, covering '. Part of Section 23, T34N Rl19W of the 6ti. r.H., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as Beginning at a point on the E~ Section lln~, 58 rods west from the Northeast corner of the SE~ of said Section 23 and running thence West 8 rods; thence South 16' rods; thence East 8 rods; thence North 16 rods to the point of begimiing. to secure a note In the sum of $ 40,000.00 . ch~ted December 30, 200:] in favor of FIRST INTERSTATE BANK ~ which mOl-tgage was recorded January 13, 2004 , Il% bookQ~ , page 3 , Official P, ecords of said cou ~t),; and WHEREAS, Owner has executed or is about to ,~×e£Llte. a mortgage and note In tile sum of $ 117.,450.00 ' , dated November 16, 2004 , In favor of AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE COMPANY berelnafter referred to as "Lender," payable will, interest and upon the terms and conclitlons described therein, which mortgatjt? is to be recorded concurrently herewith; and WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to obtah,h,g said loan that said mortgage last above mentioned shall unconditionally be ;n~d rumaln at all times a Lien or charge upon the land hereinbefore descrlbe¢l, i,r~m' ~uld superior to the lien or charge of the mortgage first above mentione~l; and WHEREAS, Lender is willing to make said loan ,~ruvlcled the mortgage securing the same is a lien o,- charge upon the above de~;,trlbed property prior and superior to the lien or charge of the mortgage [trst above mentioned and provided that Mortgagee will spec!flcally and uncundltlonally subordinate the lien or charge of the mortgage first above mentio,,ed to the lien or charge of the mortgage in favor of Lender; and RECEIVED 11/29/2004 at 3:45 PM RECEIVING # 904847 BOOK: 573 PAGE: 559 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY Subordination Agreement - Page 2 WI-IEI~,~AS, it is to tile mutual benefit of Lbo parti,_,g i~uFeto that' Lender make ~iach loan to Owner; and Mortgagee is willi~Li that tl~e mortgage securing the same shall, when recorded,.constitutu a liu~ or charge upon said land which Is uncondiHonally prior and S~l~.Fh.' ~o the lien dr charge of th~ mortgage firs~ above mentiot~ed. 'NOW. THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutu;,I b,.,~,rlts accruing to the partle~ hereto and other valuable conslderatio~, tl~u Fuc,~ipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, a~d i~i order Io Induce Lender to make the loan above referred to. it Is I~.Fuby declared, understood and aBreed as follows; (I) That said mortgage securing said nolo i,~ l~vor of Lender, and any renewals or extensions thereof, shal u~conclitionally be and remain al all times a lien or charge on tl~ I,FOpel'ty therein described, prior and superior to the liu~ .F cl~aFge of the mortgage first above mentioned. That Lender would not make its loan ah~..,u described without this subordination agreement. [3)' Thai lhls agreement shall be lhe whole ,.HI only agreement wllh regard tO the subordination of Ihe lien uF cl~aFge of the mortgage first above menHoned to the lien or chaFg~ of Ihe morlgaga In favor of Lender above referred [o and sl~;dl supersede and cancel. but only insofar as would affec~ the i]rt.~lIy be[ween tho mortgages hereinbefore specifically described, a~N, I.'ior agreement as ~o such subordlnaHon Including, bul no[ lind[ed [~, H~ose provisions, If an~, contained In the mortgage flrsl above, m~.,tionecl.' wl~lch provide for lhe subordination of the lien or charge, tl..'e~ff ~o anolher morlgage or mortgages. Mortgagee declares, agrees'and acknowledges th.t (a) He consenls to and approves (I) all i~r~,visi~.~s of the note and mortgage.in Favor of Lender above referrud lo. and [11) all agreements, including, but not limited t., any loan or escrow agreements, between Owner and Lender f~r the disbursement of the proceeds of Lender's loan; Ih) Lender in maldng disbursements pursua~l to any such agreement Is under no obligation or duty to, nor I~as I.ellder represented lhat il will. see to lhe application of sucl~ pr,~ceeds by the perso~ or persons~o whom Lender disburses Stlcl~ i)Foceeds and any application or use of such proceeds for IHU'l~OSes olher lhan those provided for In such agreement of a[jFeelnelltS shall not defeat the subordination l]ereln mad. 1~ whole or in peri; (c] He Intentionally and unconditionally walw.;, relinquishes and subordinates ~l~e lien or charge of the ,~rtgage first above mentioned in favor of lhe lien or charg,~ tll~Ol~ said land of the mortgage in favor of Lender above referred to and understands thai in reliance upon. and In consldel'atl~.~ ~[. this waiver. relinquishment and subordination specific: h~ans and advances are being and will be made and. as par[ ;.,d parcel thereof. specific monetary and other obligations ar~ being and will be entered Into whlch would not be made uF ~.~tered into but for said reliance upon this waiver, relinq~dsl..ent and subordlnatlon; and An endorsement has been placed upol~ tl~u ii(~te secured by tile mortgage first above mentioned that said moFtgage has by this Instrument been subordinated to the i.~ uF charge of the mortgage In favor of Lender above rel~.'F.d to. Subordination Agreement - Page 3 NOTICE: TI-IlS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT C:OIITAINS A PROVISION WHICH ALLOWS THE PERSON OBLIGATKI) ON YOUR REAL PROPERTY SECURITY TO OBi'AIN A t_()Af,l A PORTION OF WHICH MAY BE EXPENDED FOR OTI-II_R I'UItI'OSES TI4AN IMPROVEMENT OF THE LAND. Mortgagee BART HYERfi STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF TETON SS The forpgolng Instrument was acknowledged before ,,m by il}is J,z · day or NOVEMBER 2004 Witness my hand and official seal. / Notary t'ub~ ic My Commlsslon Exph'es: ~T~NER~OT~YPUBU6 - J County of ~ .~tate pi ~ T~ ~ wyoming SS STATE OF WYOMING couNTY The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged befm'e Ine by BAI~T MYERS AND RITA MYERS this~[ day or November 2004 Witness ,ny hand and~offlclal seal. My Commission Exph'es: Nj:d:a r iY Pub] lc/