HomeMy WebLinkAbout904899KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That First Natiom:l }k'.nk--Kemmerer 0707 a corporation, of lite County of Lincoln aud S,,.r ,,f ~,~y oming , does hereby certify ti,at a certain mortgage, hearing date the,,, 18 December d,y o! A.D. 1003 ,,,,,tie aud executed by Roeer A, Schanzenbach First National Bank-Ke~erer aa mortgagee, eonveyh,g certain real estate therein mentioned ss security for tl,e payon-,, ,,f $... 79,105.09e tbereht stated, wlfieh mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Offi,,b, Il cgi.ter of Deeds of L~ nco] ~ County. State of Wyoming .... ,h,. 22 d.y o~ December in Bo.k 544 of Mortgages. at page. 494 . .11~] nl.r,[~.~hlg tile following described real eshllo in said County. lo-wit: ALL LANDS DESCRIBED IN ABOVE SAID RECEIVED 11/30/2004 at 4:52 PM RECEIVING # 904899 BOOK: 573 PAGE: 707 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. whh a uote ~.cured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid. satisfied, reh,ll.,.,I a. discharged and in c.nsiderati.n thereof tit,? said mortgagee d-es hereby reh.ase and quitclaint unto the said mnrtgagnr tbe premises thereby conve),,I and n,.rtga ged. IN WITNESSWIIEREOF. the First National Bank- Kent, nerer has ,:nosed those Presents to be signed by it~ President and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 24 Novembc~r' day of , a. oX~3 Sigm'tl. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of ,~ '... ' Its President ~'~*..~ .;" ~¢~t[~.~ ss -.~x. asired to describe lands in space therefor, i,,sert the f,,ll,,,,i,,,: "All h,n,ls described in said mortgage." LSncolB ~- 5.mty of ()n ti, is 24 November day of. X~ ?{")Oq before ntt, personally appeared ' 'm' I'~fiO~ wh°, being bY me duly sworn did say that he is the ?,~o,sident " ' y ,,,,/h,t~e[4~J!~,n!'ot D~tor. and ..id Loan Clerk .. ,vtl~m,,&.ra~ bay, ~d notar,al seal th,s 24 day ,,~ }]ovember A.DX~. 2003 / My ,:omnfission eM,ires on Ihe 13 day of NJ') v ~.?l:xber A. I) ~t~, 200.6 Till,: STATE OF WYOMING. Ct,liltl)' of. / es. This iflstrunlenl was filed for record at o'clock M., on Ibc A. D. Iq. . and duly recorded in on Page day of. Ily -- County (:h'rk an,I Ex-I)ffi.,io Ih,gistt.r .f l)eeds I)el,.t) ( :h.rk