HomeMy WebLinkAbout905054RECEIVED 12/7/2004 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 905054 BOOK: 574 PAGE: 206 JEANNE WAGNER INCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~tar valley CORREC IqVE '::' :> QUIT CLAIM DEED (Individual Fen a) P.02 GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln Cm]nty, State of Wyoming, he~ cby QUIT CLAIM to WILDA SIMPSON GRANTEE(S), whose address · for the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuabl-d consideration, the 'f~llowing described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: Pm't.of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Sec tiao 15, Township 33 North, Range 118 West, 6"' P-M. Wyoming, mo~e particularly descr/bed as/b/lows: Begirming at the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of said Section 15 and rum)ing thence I'~offi~, along section line a distance of 394.0'7 feet; thence West, parallel to quarter-section line, a distance of 331.62 feet; thence North, parallel to soction line, a distance of 150.00 feet; thence V/e~t parallel [o quarter-section line~ a distance of 160.13 feet; thence Sourly, parallel to section line, a dism,c: of 544.07 feet; thence casq along quarter-section line, a distance of 491.75 feet lo the place of beginn]ng. This deed is given to correct that certain Quit Claim Deed recorded January 2, 2003, Book 508 P.R., Page 603. Subject to reservations ."md restrictions contained in fl~c l[.[ili[e~ .qmtes Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. Vf!T.N....F...fS, the hand of said grantor this /~ ~'' day of /_//~/~L_~ 2004. ST^'raoF COUNTY OF O~,t ~e _ The forcgoi,,g imtrument was acknnwledgcd be, fore me this [~)("'day of_~_..0 Ve_ma.~ /.Q. OOt{- by James L. I.~1% thc signer of Om witlfin insoqlment, who d01v .wkncm'ledgcd to me liter he executed same. · WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL My Contmission e×p~rcs: ~0~ { (01 Q.-IX5 ~ COUNTV 01" ~~ '~c foregoing i~mtmetlt Wtts ackno~vledgcd belbrc ma this ff~ ~[ ~. by Tess Elizabeth Lytlc, tile. signer of the within instrument, who ,)ulv ack~;nwledgcd t~mc Ihat she cxccllted same. ~ WITNESS MY IlAND A~FFICIA.L SEAl. otary t uhlic ' My (?0remission expires: