HomeMy WebLinkAbout905147MORTGAGE ~on~gCc of ice thc sum o~ ~l ~) ~OO, O0 · c followingducri~d tract ofl~d i~ L I~ ~ County, Sta~¢ of WyomlnB' hc~by r~le~ing und w~l ~] ~ShM under ~d by virtue of Ih~ homt~tua~ ~empbon la~ ,f thc St~t~, ~1~ s~d,~,q~.o~ M~,Z, rC~'~ ecl ,,-~ ,,,~ Si~ed ~ ~he p~sen~ o¢ STATE Or. WYOMINC . co..,v or }'" / On Iht day of A.D. 19 pcrsonidJy appeared bcfo~ · c al~cr of cbc wi[~~ho duly .'/ Nma~ Public R=~n; in RECOKDINO DATA Fcc I; RECORDI~D [} INDEXED ~ PLATTED ID ABSTRACTED n OOMPARED [] DELIVERED RECEIVED 12/10/2004 at 12:04 PM RECEIVING # 905147 BOOK: 574 PAGE: 429 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ']he I~nd 'lille (~mpany 090514? CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ~ County of ~ r~ b/_J--I.~% ~)[~5 ):~ t~' SS. a e Nam~ and hllu ul Officer (e.g., 'Jane Doe, ~otary Public"t ' [] personally known to me Vroved [o me on the basis of satisfactory /e~ence to be the persor~whose nam~.)~ subscribed to th~'-within instrument and acknowledged to me that heCo,,~xecuted the same in ~ authorized capacityi'l~e~)), and that by ~ signatur~.'{:~-i on the instrument the persor~or the entit{; ~Pon behalf of which the pers--'d'~ acted, executed the instrument. Place Notary Seal Above ~¢.LTNESS my hand and o/ficial s~ Signature of Notary Public~ OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by/aw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachrnen~ of thi~ form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Ik-t. 13~'J{'o.~o.~e ~ ,'-," ,- Document Date: I _"~- ~= O~' Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: [] Individual [] Corporate Officer Title(s): [] Partner-- [] Limited [] General [] Attorney in Fact [] Trustee [] Guardian or Conservator [] Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here 1999 National Notary Association · 9350 De Soto Ave., RO. Box 2402 · Chatswora',, CA 91313-2402 · w~vw. nahonah~ ,,,, .. = Prod. No. 5907Reorder: Call ToIFFree 1-800-876-6927 'ww ~oo4 ~:31AM ,-BS? 25/20~4 15::36 HP LFISERJET 3P00 p.3 PAGF' 83 ldaho' F'alls, Idaho AUG. 2~, 2004 Job # 4156 S.B.N. LEGAL DI$CRIPTION .~OUTHEASTERL¥ HALF OF LOT 45. ALPINE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION The Southeasterly one-half of lot 45 of Alpine Village subdivision No 1, recorded as instrument # 4~]666 in Lincoln County, Wyoming, further described as follows: Bcgirmb~g at a found 518" iron md on thc South cemer of said lot 45, said poLut S 89034' 59"E 616,68 fCCl ~on8 Eas~-Wmat ccnt~lJne of scctio n 19 ~d No~ 407. l 1 fcct from · e C~nt¢l West 1116~ comer (being a Bxass Cap Monument) of Section 19, To.ship 37 North, ~ge I 18 Wes~ o~ the 6~ ~nciple Mefidi~ L~CO~ CO~TY, WYOM~G~ ~d ~g ~enee N36~34'51"W 300.24 feet to a set 5/8" ima md wilh ~ Mum~ ~p P.L.S, 3520; thence N53o13'49"E 443.63 f~t lo a set 5/~' itoh md wi~ ~ ~ia~ ~p P.L.g. 3510; ~nce S36~'40"E 300.04 feel 1o a fo~d 5/8" itoh rod wi~ ~ ahm~in~ cap g526; lhcnce S53'12' 17'~ ~4.49' lo ~e po~t ofbegi~ing, Containing 3.06 ~res. SUBJECT TO; Aa airstrip fight-of-way along tim Norlheastcrly side, and a road righl-of-way along ~he Southwcslcrly side ofth~ above described parcel, DAVID It. ~NTON P.E./L.S 550 LINDEN DRIVE · IDAHO PALLS. IOAHO B340t . (,~0e) 6224033 . FAX (208,)