HomeMy WebLinkAbout905153AFFIDAVIT- ESTATE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Carol RayDraney, first duly sworn, upon oath, dcl~t~scs and says: 1. David S,Draneyand Carol RayDraney were m a,'n cd to each other on September 16, 1988 and theylivedtogether ashusband and wife formanyyears aim continuouslyunfil the death of David S. Draney. 2 On June 15, 1995, Derails L. Sanderson and IC,~ra] S. Sanderson, husband and -Mfe. conveyed by Warranty Deed to David S. Draney and C a n, 1 I< ay Draney, tmsband and wife, the real estate described as follows: EXHIBIT A The WarrantyDeed was recorded in the office oflheLinco I ;n ( 'o unty, Wyoming, Clerk and Recorder inBook 370PR, Pages 553 and 554 and thereafter David 5. I )ranev and Carol RayDraney, husband and wife, became owners of the property by an estate b v ~-m~ reti es. 3. Da-rid S. Draney died on May20, 2003. Attached is a copy of his official Death Certificate certified to by the Vital Records Services, Dix ision of Health and Medical Serv/ces, Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services, thc public authority with which the ori~nal Death Certifimte is of record according-to law. 5. By reason of the death of David S. Draney, Cart ;1 Ray Draney became the sole owner of Ihe above-described real estate interests on May20, 2003 Can,l RayDraney-- t~ - 0r The £oregoing/nstmment was acknowledged betb,'c mc by Carol RayDraney, this ~ day of [-~_.F_.t-'w,t hep , 2004. Wimess my hand and official seal. My commission expires: SEAL Public RECF:IVED 12J10/2004 at 12:24 PM RECEIVING# 905153 BOOK: 574 PAGE: 446 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, WY STATE OF.. ,-' MilNG '447 DI=PARTMENT' OF HE .... '~ h ~A~ ~ ~YOMING · ~:".~P~R~ OF HEALTH ~~ ~R~FI~ OF DEATH DASD "S" :' ~[ D~NE7 ]~E' I~Y 20, 2003 53~9~2251 37 ~E 6, 1965 0HI0 . · -..: J ~T~ ,.:.q~ .::.::: J CAROL ~Y L~0S ~ ~ ~ '~ '::L ..:~ "'l · '..~ "' ..... ~ ',,',~f :: ~ I "~ J 5 CEMETE 1-',Y WYOMING : 83110 45 44 ' H AVE. ~ AFTON A I'TON, WYOMING 83110 AI'.T,FN D. ~TER ~J~). This is a true ancl exact reproduction of the document on file ~ the office of Vital F~cords Se~ices Cheyenne Wyomng ::: : ' Lucinda UcCaffre!~ DATE ISSUED: ,~,A,V 2' 7 2003 ' De.u,y state Rag,sitar .:.]'hi..copy is not valid unless prcp~'~l on PaP.r N~kith an ~n~aw-c~iJio~kler displayins:the d .................... * tile Deputy St.to Rc ~TI~UI~ST TIILE ~0. Fax:I-307-877-9602 Jul 12 '02 10:44 . P. 02/02 KXIIIBI? A TO-Wit County~ Nyoming, being pir~ o~ ~hat treat o~ record la O~el OZ Eha Clerk o~ ~ncol~ Coun~Z In Book 323 of P~coet~lc Re~ ~ ~ge ~9~, de~crl~d ~ [oll~g~ · ~w~, co tho north~em~ ~lnt o~ t~t trsce o~ recor~ tn ChO~QI 8000'20'-40"W, 313.28 ~met, a~on~ the wto~ line OE thence ~t~ui~ Nlge-43'-46'W, 140.00 [eec Co a spike on tho ~.c line o~ enid ~; :hemce HOO'-20'-40'B, 2~.6J Inet, alo~ saLd veo~ llne to the ~P~Sl~ an ~ea of 2.01 acres, ~re or the ~ASB BSAXX~G lot this' sunny ia the north line el tho ~w~ eaa~ "epi~e" marked ~ m 3/8" x 23" *reel ~ike ~[~renc~d by 5/8' X 24' eteflt Fe[fl[O~[lt~ rod with a 2' aluminum cap each '~inc' marked b~ a S/O' x 2t' accel research9 r~ with ~ 2' alumin~ c~ /n.~d '~V~OR ~RDBb 7~ ~IO PI~Y /11 in moco~dan=t with the pllC pre,Izod Co ~ ~lled {n PARCE~ DI~S~OH ~f~I~lO~ ~K D~M[3 b. ~D~R30M ~D B. ~DE~O~ ;~W~ 9B~lON lB ~3IN RllS~ LXMCO~ COUNTY.