HomeMy WebLinkAbout905200 RECEIVED 12/13/2004 at 1:3,l PM RECEIVING # 905200 BOOK: 574 PAGE: 579 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF PRODUCTION PAYMENT :0579 THIS ASSIGNMENT OF PRODUCTION PAYMENT (the "Assignment") is from Merit Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Assignor") whose address is 13727 Noel Road, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75240, to Merit Energy Partners X, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Assignee") whose address is 13727 Noel Road, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75240. WITN ESSETH: I. Conveyance 1.1 Assignor,' for and in consideration of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and subject to the conditions and reservations herein set forth, hereby ASSIGNS, TRANSFERS, GRANTS and CONVEYS, effective as of 7:00 a.m., local time, on July 1, 2002 (the "Effective Time"), unto Assignee, a production payment which may equal but not exceed in the aggregate seventy percent (70%) of all the following interests (the "Specified Interests"): that portion of the oil, gas and other minerals in and under and which may be produced from (or otherwise attributable to) the interests assigned to Assignee pursuant to that certain master Assignment of Net Profits Interests dated effective as of July 1, 2002 (the "Net Profits Assignment") recorded in the locations shown on Exhibit A hereto, free of all exploration, development and operating costs but subject to (i) applicable taxes measured by production or value, including gross production, severance and other taxes, and (ii) all presently valid and subsisting overriding royalties, production payments and similar burdens which were of record and burden the Specified Interests on the effective date of the acquisition of each Specified Interest by Assignor (other than the net profits interests created by the Net Profits Assignment, such Assignment being recorded in the jurisdictions set forth on Exhibit A hereto and at the volumes and pages set forth on such Exhibit A); provided, that the payments made pursuant hereto to Assignee for any particular month with respectto each increase in the Payment Amount (as herein defined) shall not exceed the aggregate sum of (i) one-twelfth (1/12th) of each such increase amount divided by seven (7) plus (ii) an amount equivalent to interest accrued on the Payment Amount outstanding from time to time during such month at the Fluctuating Rate (as herein defined) plus (iii) the aggregate amount, if any, by which the aggregate of all prior payments attributable to clause (i) preceding was less than the aggregate maximum payments that were permissible under clause (i) H'/P.~rnI~/PRt]~PI~(~I~PMT/14]Prn~I Pm! I~n~r~ rln~ (MEP _X- AGG 21 -- Devon) preceding. All payments made on account of a production payment shall be computed on the basis of Gross Proceeds, as defined in that cedain Net Profits Agreement dated March 25, 1994 by and between Assignor and Assignee (the "NPI Agreement"). The production payment granted hereby has a "Payment Amount" that will fluctuate from time to time and that will be adjusted each year prior to the termination hereof in accordance with the NPI Agreement and this Assignment. The "Payment Amount" will increase upon the Effective Time by an initial amount permitted pursuant to the NPI Agreement and thereafter will increase each year, if at all, by the amount permitted pursuant to the NPI Agreement, and wil decrease each time a payment is made pursuant hereto (other than payments for the equivalent interest factor described in section 1.1 (ii) above). The term "Fluctuating Rate" shall mean a rate per annum of one percent (1%) plus the "reference rate of interest'' established from time to time by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association (or any successor) (the "Bank"), with each change in the interest rate applicable hereunder to be coincident with each change in the reference rate of interest announced from time to time by the Bank. The production payment assigned hereby shall terminate upon the earlier of (i) the recording by Assignee and Assignor of (a) an instrument expressly terminating this Assignment, or (b) as it affects a particular asset, an instrument conveying or unifying Assignor and Assignee's interests in such asset, and (ii) at such time as the remaining commercially recoverable reserves in and under the land from which the production payment is conveyed shall be reduced to 15% of the total commercially recoverable reserves in place as of the date of this assignment. All amounts received by Assignee shall first be credited to accrued interest and then to the reduction of the Payment Amount. At the time of termination, Assignee shall execute an instrument in writing, verifying such termination as a matter of record. The term "commercially recoverable reserves" is defined herein to mean the total commercially recoverable oil and gas in place and attributable to the Specified Interests in and under the land from which the production payment is payable from all productive zones taking into account all methods of production, including, without limitation primary, secondary and tertiary recovery methods. All determinations as to the remaining commercially recoverable reserves and as to the commercially recoverable reserves in place as of the date of this assignment shall be made, from time to time, by mutual agreement of the parties, but if they cannot agree, by an independent petroleum engineer or engineering firm selected by mutual agreement; if the parties cannot agree upon such an engineer or firm, then either party may in writing request the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas to appoint a petroleum engineer to make such determination, which appointment shall be made without any necessity for notice or hearing. The cost of engineering services shall be borne equally by the parties. Such determination shall be binding upon the parties. FI-~I~.~rnltWPR~tPRt~r~PMTI~41PrM Prnt I:'nrm finn (MEP _X - AGG 21 -- Devon) 1.2 Assignee agrees that the production payment herein conveyed is subject to the terms and conditions of the oil, gas and mineral leases described in the Net Profits Assignment and all instruments (other than the Net Profits Assignment) burdening or affecting the leases recorded in the proper public records of the jurisdictions in which such leases are located; the production payment herein conveyed is senior in pdority of payment to and not burdened by the Net Profits Assignment. No loss or failure of any such lease or instrument shall serve to reduce the Payment Amount. The reference herein to such terms and conditions is for the purpose of protecting Assignor and Assignee and shall not create, nor constitute recognition of, any rights in third parties. 1.3 Assignor expressly denies any warranty, whether express, implied or statutory, with respect to the Specified Interests, and except for the special warranty set forth in the next succeeding sentence, this Assignment is executed and delivered without any warranties of title, whether express, implied or statutory. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the production payment herein a~signed unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, until termination as herein provided; and Assignor hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns, to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND the production payment against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by, through or under Assignor, but not otherwise. Assignor further gives and grants unto Assignee, insofar as it affects the production payment, full power and right of substitution and subrogation in and to all covenants and warranties by others heretofore given or made in respect of the Specified Interests. II. Miscellaneous 2.1 Assignor will do, execute, acknowledge and deliver all and every such further acts and such other instruments as may be necessary or appropriate more fully to assure to Assignee, its successors and assigns all of the properties, rights, title, interests, estates, remedies, powers and privileges by this instrument transferred, assigned and conveyed or intended so to be. 2.2 All of the terms, provisions, covenants and agreements herein contained shall extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. (Signature Page Follows) (MEP _X - AGG 21 - Devon) 09052 00 -'0582 IN WITNES~ WHEREOF, Assignor has caused this Assignment to be executed on -~_~...,"'~2004. ASSIGNOR: MERIT PARTNERS, L.P. By: Merit Energy Company, General Partner By: ~/~' ' " ' ~/~Fred';¢/D,em-~, Vice~Pr'~-isident ASSIGNEE: MERIT ENERGY PARTNERS X, L.P. By: Merit Partners, L.P., General Partner By: Merit Energy Company, General partner _ Fred R. Diem, Vic~C-President THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS S This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ¢'bCday of'-,~~, 2004, by Fred N. Diem, Vice President of MERIT ENERGY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, on behalf of said corporation, as General Partner of Merit Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, which is the General Partner of Merit Energy Partners X, L.P. ~ k~??,-.....~NY,~ My Commis~on Expire~ 08-29-08 My commission expires: No[aw Public, State of Texas 1-14C.~rnI~WP,~'l~PlqClnPlUlTtIJ~prnrl Pmt Pnrm ~ (MEP _X- AGG 21 - Devon) 4 EXHIBIT A 058'"o ASSIGNEE STATE COUNTY BOOK PAGE (Or Other Recording Information) Kiowa 437 154-167 Barton 609 314 Ellis 575 676 Finney 257 404 Graham 207 637-650 I Iarper'. 37M 361 Kingman 0-11 40 Rooks 331 274 Seward 557 674 Stafford 173 474 Cameron Book No. 975 Doc. No. 283132 i?~cordia 403I822 lberia Book No. 1269 Doc. No. 03-14774 aquemines 1056 699 St. Mary 46-F 419 Tensas 64 683 'errebonne Book No. 1840 Doc. No. 1162302 /crmilion Doc. No. 20314889 Icf£erson 109 317 I~owndes 2003 3213 Rankin L 197 380 Wayne 1057 220-233 Yazoo 299A 641 ,lcKenzie Doc. No. 346053 Eddy 523 712 Merit Energy Partners X, L.P. CO KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS LA LA LA LA LA LA " LA LA MS MS MS MS MS Merit Energy Partners X, L.P. - Page 1 ASSIGNEE STATE (;O UNTY BOOK PAGE (Or Other Recording Information) NM Lea 1254 480 OK leaver 1106 324-337 OK cckham 1789 133 OK [Haine 879 301 OK Ellis 683 481-94 OK Grady 3538 71-84 OK l larper '. 587 71 OK I e Flore 1481 670 OK Roger Mills 1723 466-479 TX Andrews 814 289 TX ~razos 5716 231 TX mmbers 62 145 TX ('ochran 260 491 TX Crane 452 701 TX rockett 629 387 TX )awson 528 23 TX Ector 1795 669 TX d wards 218 494 TX 3aines 787 96 TX Garza 268 172 TX asscock 73 67 TX I iockley 728 590 TX Irion 151 479 TX I~ipscomb 414 468 TX ubbock 8777 153 TX vlartin 143 381 TX Matagorda Doc. No. 037902 TX lidland 2269 620 Medl Energy Partners X, L.P. - Page 2 ASSIGNEE STATE CO UNTY BOOK PAGE (Or Other Recording Information) TX ( )c hiltree 621 713 TX ?ecos 747 448 TX Reagan 54 76 TX Roberts 155 357 TX Schlcicher 437 816 TX S ut ton 327 899 TX Terry 696 438 TX Upton 737 546 TX 698 850-863 Zapata WY Campbell 1919 29-42 WY Converse 1222 792 WY [,incoln 538 43 WY S wcetwater 669 9983 WY [linta 809 578-591 Merit Energy Partners X, L.P. - Pc~ge 3