HomeMy WebLinkAbout905262~OOK: ~4 PAGE 777 WARRANI'~ DEED I"~I,IFFOIII"I_L. lrIARlrlNS A_.,NID PAMELA L. HARKII~, ltn~hnnd and 'Wit t.. ofl.+ncntn Cmnm2, ~ate of Wymning,-for con~,~dcration ofTen.and O0/lO0's ($10.00) and V ~.all!at~ .con~ideratirm in hand. r~ccip[ whereof/s hereby.ackztowled~m,,d CO~ A_ND WARi,L:., ;'-,;'1 TO CAI,VIN C, A.hq)ERgON AiND VIRG 1XI A R. A.NDE'ilgON, granmes, whn~ address is ;P.O. ttnx 33?,,'..lackson, WY 83001 ~ -fnllnwinE de~riheA ~ creme, ~itnale ~ l.ineo~ ~ ~,LllllN a~ SlaTM ~ Wym~g, ~eby Iht J0 tlf.Slar Valley ~Rant~h Plai 16, Lincoh] ( t~kllllh Wyoming .as ~ an *he rn~cial ~lat .SI.]]~IEC'/', ]:il)vcl~vlxr, ID .lin Ip_,~w~, I~ql:l-J£tlk)ll! . protective l;OVfmanT.q, exr~'?tinn.% eaeerrnem~ and -ri~ht~o£-way af record, in hght. ~ ,lm use. ; '~ ""-lQliffnr~ I]. tqarkin.~ ]~amela L. ]:tarkins ~ :fn,re:gnin~ in.~nnnem was .ack:nowtedg~ hc~>rc me by Cliffnrrl _L. ]:larlcin.q and ?ameba L. ~ ~this (0-4-¢ .day of ,~--dlx.w~ ,20O4. Witn~.~ zny hand amd officJal seal. My C~,,,,,,,i~.~inn ~rpire.q: