HomeMy WebLinkAbout9052610770 WARRANTY 1) i{ E D Paul A. Christensen, a single man; Dan H. G ill s t~ n a n d Julia B. Gibs on, hu.qband and wife; James S. Brown and Barbara R. Brown, hu~l-,:~mt and wife; Colleen B. Perkin,q, a single woman; PatriciaB. Wilkin.qon, f/k/a Patricia B. \ l ill.~, a married woman dealing in her sole and separate property; Robert W. Brown and ~ vnthia S. Brown, husband and wife; Timothy S. Curry and Helen B. Curry, husband a~l wife, and Virginia L. Evans, f/k/a Virginia L. Brown, a married woman dealing in her :,,, lc an d separate property, Grantors, whose address is P.O. Drawer 5059, Sheridan, W?,a~ ~ ~ 82801, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuabl c ~',~ }~ q icl eration in hand paid, convey and warrant to John William Holtgreve and Elizabeth A t~ I 1 oltgreve, husband and wife, whose address is Grantees, Ihe following described real estate simal~. ~ Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described in attached Exhibit "A". Hereby releasing and waiving all rights ulldcr and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws oflhis state. This Warranty Deed m,~ ,, bc executed in two or more olfginal counterparts, each of which shall be an original, bul ,, I1 of' which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Subject Io all easements, reservations and as~'),~ments of record. DATED thig [.$x./~ day of pl~j2-n,.~--*~ . 2{,04. GRANTORS: Paul A. Christensen, by Robert W. Brown, POA Patricia B. Wilkinson f/k/a Patricia B. Mill~. by Robert W. Brown, POA Dan H. GibSon, by Robert W. Brown, POA -1 of 5- Juli. B. Gibson, by R~}l~er! W. Brown, POA RECEIVED 12J14/2004 at4:3O PM RECEIVING # 905261 BOOK: 574 PAGE: 770 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK,~'~-'~-""'.'=-_RER, WY 077i by Robert W. Brown, POA Barl~a ra R. Brown, by Robert W. Brown, POA Colleen B. Perkins by Robert W. Brown, POA Virgiuia 1.. Evans, f/k/a Virginia L. Bro~ n by Robert W. Brown, POA Robert W. Brown Cx nlhia S. Brown Timothy S. Curry, by Robert W. Brown, POA Helen B. Curry, bx l,',l~crt W. Brown, POA STATE OF WYOMING ) 'SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknoxvlcd,_,cd before me this December, 2004, Christensen, /& 0day of by Robert W. Brown, under l',~xx cr of Attorney from Paul A. WITNESS my hand and official seal. /o~Iary Pu b I i: My comm,~,i,,n expires: -2 of S- 0772 STATE OF WYOMING ) · SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknoxx lodged before me this / 3 ¢'~day of December, 2004, by Robert W. Brown, under l',,xxcr of Attorney from Patricia B. Wilkinson f/k/a Patricia B. Mills. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ,~ JDANNM. BERGSTROM-NIJIARypHR~ !P. ~ gotary Pul~l ic My corem i>.~ io n expires: STATE OF WYO~G ) ' SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknox, Ic,tgcd before me this ~/~ ~ day of December, 2004, byRobert W. Brown, nnder Pov,'c ~',, 1' :\ tt omey from Dan H. Gibson and Jnlia B. Gibson, hnsband and wife WITNESS my hand and official seal. My comn, i ::,i on expires: ,~ - Il-/--D~, STATE OF WYOMING ) · SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknoxx Ic,tgcd before me this //~day of ~¢_.£~m'h-~- , Ika57~', by Robert W. Brown, nn~l:,' }'ower of Attorney from James S. Brown and Barbara R. Brown, hnsband and wife. WITNESS my hand and official seal. /~tary Pu l~1 ic My commi:-;ion expires: ~ ]~1~ ~ -3 Of 5- 0905261 STATE OF WYOMIN6 ) : SS COUNTY OF SHFR/DAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknoxx left,cd before me 1his December, 2004, by Robert W. Brown, under ]'~)x,,'Cl' of Attorney from Perkins. 0773 /3Y~y of Colleen B. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commi,~.ion expires' c.~ 2/--/-~?,-~ STATE OF WYOMING ) ' SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknox, Ic,lgcd before me this/3~ day of December, 2004, by Robert W. Brown and Cynthia ~. Ih'own, husband and wife. WITNESS my hand and official seal. //~otary Pul~llc My commi~,ttm expires: STATE OF WYOMING ) · SS COUNTY OF SHERIDAN) The foregoing Warranty Deed was acknox, Icd~cd before me this J3~ day of December, 2004, by Robert W. Brown, under Poxvc ~' ,~ f Attorl~ey from Timothy S. Cnrry and Helen B. Cnrry, husband and wife. WITNESS my hand and official seal. N~Pul '/1). My comnni~ion expires: -4 of 5- ' 077, STATE OF WYOMING ) · -qs COUNTY OF SIqFRJDAN) foregoing Warranty Deed was acknoxx lodged before me lifts j_~day of The December, 2004, byRobert W. Brown, under Poxx'c ~ ~ ,Mtomey from Virginia' --L. Evans f/k/a Virginia L. Brown, WITNESS my hand and official seal· Pub -5 of 5- I~EC-Oi ........09:36 SOUTHWEST TIT~E DES CRIF~ION FOR RORI~,RT W, BROWN, ET AL. REMAINDER TRACT 0775 To-wit: That part of the NW¼ of Section 18, T31N RI lgW, Lincoln Connty, Wynming, it being thc intreat Io :mom correctly describe the remlmnt of that part rffthat tract of record in thc Office of the Clerk .of Lincoln Connty in Book ~85 of Photostatic Records on pages 3-10, described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the noP_h line of said NWY4, N89~--34'-00"E 60.01 feet from the noxthcam comer of the NWV~dqW¼ of sald 5 ~ction 1 $; thence S00°-19'-21"W, 1075.92 feet, alons n line parallel with the a_ast linc of said NWV~I-W'¼, m a point; Ihcnc~ $89°-34'-00"W, 857.55 f_~t, to a point on the east line of that tract ofre¢orrl in said Office in Book439 of Photostatic R.ecords on page 22; Iht, ncc S00~20'-40'W, 481.04 f~t, along said eust line, to a point at a fence corner an ,ommon Brown/Efick~on fence line; thence coursing said fence line. as follows: $89"-17'-19'~, 134.60 fec~, to apoim at a f~nce comer; S00~-15'-.28"W. 131.50 feet, to apoint at :, fence comer; NR9~SZ,'-09"E, 1920.83 feel, to a point cm the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. l-Iighway 89; thcncs cours_ipg rmid westerly right-of-way linc as follows: northwesterly 746.53 feet, along an arc of a non-tangent circular curvs Io the through a central angle of 11"25'20". having a radius of 3744.72' and a chord bearing of N07~-29'S6"W, 745.29 feet. to, Station PC 664+94.83 75' N13~-08'-56"W, 311.97 feet, to Station t"1 661+82.90 75' RI., and the begirming ora non-tangent circular curve to II~ right; northwesterly 321,04 feet, along an arc of said cup/c, throngh a ccam'al angle of 04*- 43'-23", having a radius of 3894.72 f,:c~ and a chord bearing of lXI10~-50'-lS"W, 320.95 ~l, to the southeast pnint of' th:it tract of record in said Office in Book 424 of Photnstatic Records on page 238, and leave said fight-of-way linc; thence N89~28'-23"W, 148.97 feet, along tl;~- south linc of s_airl tract in Book 424, to thc sonthweat point thereof; thauce N89°-41'-32"W, 128.80 feet, along th~ south line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 518 of Photostatic ll. ecorda (,n page 488, to the aonlhwest point there, of; than~ N00~-22'-52"E, 338.50 feet, along thc west tine of said tract in.Book 518, to thc northwest spLke therenf; 'thcnc~ S89°'-34'-00"W, 65427 fmc. t, a]on~ said north line, ~o the SpIK~ O1~' BEGINNING; "ModJf'rcation In any way of the foregoino description terminates Wtt.B 1.1 l~-lll'~mt~rtltrown the sun~eyor" EXHIBIT ~OgTH~ST TI~I~E CO t377 96~12 P. 11/15 DESCRIPTION FOR ROBERT 'W. BROWN, ET AL. PAGE TWO ENCOMPASSING ma m~-a ~f51-31 aeres, mor~ or less; the BAgE B~G for thin survey is ~c n,~rth line of the NW¼ of Section 18, T31N R.118W, b~ug SUBJECT lo ~n easement for Dry ~ Coum?' Road No. 12-146; each "camel' fomld as described in the Comer Record filed or m be fried in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; ~vh "spike" mm:k~ by a 3/8" x 12" steel '~pike re£emnced by a 518" x 24" ~1 ~infarcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscrib=d, "SURVEYOR S O.~RBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropnat~ d~mils; ~'~h '"point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel tein£orcing rod with a 2" .lumhaum aa? inse. rib~ "SURVEYOK S~ LTD ,XFTON WY PIS 536g", with ,appropriat~ all in accordance with the plat pre,pared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk County tiffed, "ROBERT W. BROWNLer AL. t'LAT OF TRACTS ~ Tt-IE NW1/4 SECTION 18 T31N RllgW LIN COt/NTY, WYOMING", dated 28 S~ptombcr 536 %2<%\ \TRB 1.118-18km.~tBm~ ~otllfic~alion in any way ot ttm Jorego~r~9 cm;criptlon tarminate$ liability