HomeMy WebLinkAbout90533531327 (01) 7 VA1,L/ &N 1 DERD Ross W. Merica and Terry L. Merica, as Trustees of the Ross W. Merica and Terry L, .bled. ca Revocable Trust dated January 2'.4, !.995, and Frank B. 'Borden and !,';.2*.t(e L. Borden, as TruStees of the Frank B. '~o,--3en and Kittie L. Borden. Revocable Trust dated February 19, ! 997, GRANTOILS, c:.~ !,Lncohx County, Wyoming, for and in ccmsideration of TEN DO'LLARS ($10.00) and ::'~lner good and valuable consideration, in hap. d paid, receipt of which is i'~erel~y aci~z-:ow!edged, amd pursua.r,t to an IJRC ~ !031 tax deferred exchange, CON'~v-E, YS :A2,4D WA:'.~'L."-d'q'TS to !033. Excl-tange, l~nc,, a WyomL~,~g corpora~ion.. GRANTEE, who.~e ac. dress ~is P.O. Box 449, jm_kson, Wyomit~.g 83001, the followb, g described re~3 e-~tate, si~,.ate in ~e County of Lh'tcoh, .. ta,e of I,v yommg, hereby 'waiving ~,d ~e!easi~'..g ~.!1. rights under and by vi2ue of &e ~. '-,- ', ~ wit: homeste, aa exemption law~; of the ~.tate of '~.¢;.._,..-nnS, to ,z..,, Exl-:ibit A a.+tached hereto. ut¢luazng aH h:qprovement~ the,_'eop, and Together with. and " '" a?purtenances and hereditaments tha:,:eunto be!ongJng. Subject to ,c., enant~, conditions, restrictions, ea~-e~.-nen'.~s reservations, and .o.~1 ~t$-, way of sight and/o~: record. WITNESS our hands ~his .. / ~ day ~f Dece~nbeL 2004. RECEIVED 12/17/2004 at 10:02 AM RECEIVING # 905335 BOOK: 575 PAGE: 227 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Ros~ W..M. eriva and v'~_. er,"*',7 I'_~. Mezica Revocable Trus~ dated Jamj.lai'y 24,_z._- '.v!enca' ' per Durable Power O:1" ,-,* ..... [t¢,rne3 ~ ~e~_-ry L. Me~a, Trt~t~ ~ F~-ank B. Borden and Kitt'ie 'L. Borden Revocable Trust dated I:eb~'uaW 1.9, Prank B. Borden, Trugtee 0228 ~_N,$~AI'£ OF WY. ON,lNG ) ~'~C ) ' C OLN ) ~ ....-- ~,~t~.str~rr, ent was acknow~ ~d ged before me'~hg t O day of Dece~~004 by T~.. Merica as Trustee of ~he Rpss'~, Mer~d Terry L. M. erica RevocabJ.e Trus~~~aary 24, !~,5, and as attorney-in-fact for Ross W. Merica. as tz'ustee of said txx~st. ~ ~ ~ .. ' ~. ,TF~SS mi h~nd ,_.d {~rficia. seal.. ""~ '" STATE COUN-£¥ OF L~nqCOLN The foregoing instrument was ac.~,nov,,,:edged before me tbJs _.. ] C~ day of 'December, 2004 by Frmxk B. Borden and K~a L. Borden, as Trustees of the Fra~xk B. .Borden and Ki2ie L. Bozden Revocable Trust dated Febxxtary 19, 1997~ and Terry L. -~rica as T~stee of the Ross W. Herica and Terry L. Nerlca E. Herica Revocable* ~ WITNESS my h~d and official seal. · ~st dated January 24, I995, and as attorney fl ~ ~ in fact for R~~ o,~ said ~'~a't~ ~~' EXHIBIT "A" Yhe Merles Property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 419 P.R., on Page 744 ~nd the Borden property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 419 P.R., on Page 746, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Comity, Wyoming within the NW1/4SE1/4 of Section 1, T34N, RI 19W, of the 6~' P.M., Lincoln Cotmty, Wyoming, fl~e metes and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING.at the BLM type monmnent marking the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368 1994' location f6r the Southwest comer of NEl/4 of said Sectionl; thence 888°52'2Y'E along the South line of said NEI/4 1,320:08 feet to'a BLM type monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698 2004 location for the Northwest comer of the E 1/28'E1/4 of said Section 1; thenoe S0"33'17"W along the West line of said E 1/2SE I/4, 1,323.36 feet to an Aluminum Cap on the Iron Pipe marking the Lloyd B, Baker PE/LS 698 2004 location for the Northeast corner of the SWI/4SE!/4; thence N88°52'33"W along the North llne, of said SW1/48E1/4, 570.01 f¢et to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking the Southeast Comer of the Woolley Property as role'fred to in the Deed recorded in Book 440 P.R., on Page 209, with said Office; Ii, once N0°33'07"E, parallel to flee East Line o£the SW 1/4 of said Section 1, along fl~e East llne of said Woolle7 Property, 302,00 feet to an Alum~urn Cap on Iron Pipe, marking the Northeast comer of said Woolley propmxy; thence NSg'52'~i3"W, paralloI to Nortl~ line of said SW1/4SE1/4, along the North line of acid Woolley Pmpeg~,i750.00 feet to an Aluminum Cap on kon Pipe marking a point in said East line; tI~ence N0o33?07"E along said East line 1,021.43 feet, to ;he Point of Begimting. Together with a Right-of-Way Easement for Ingress and Egress, recorded in Book 374 P.R., On Page 163, with said Of/ice.