HomeMy WebLinkAbout905351 RECEIVED 12/17/2004 at 11:43 AM RECEIVING It 905351 BOOK: 575 PAGE: 282 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUIT CLAIM DEED U( 0282 lq KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That SERELL G. HURD, TRUSTEE OF THE SERELL G. HURD DECEDENT'S TRUST dated 16 June 1999 of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100's Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto LYNN A. I'ORTER AND SELOMA PORTER whose address is Afton, Wyoming heirs and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as I have. ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all the following described premises, to-wit: That part of T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A Scherbcl labeled "Lynn A. Porter and Seloma C. Porter, Porter Ranch Tract-Revised" dated 22 July 2004 and revised 15 October 2004. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Dated this [] ~ day of December, 2004. Serell G. Hurd, Trustee State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Serell G. Hurd this of December, 2004. i_. tWitfi'essCffiy:,~and~"and, O'ffi~ial co~.y o~ ~q'5~ ~,.. ~ "~ ' ' ~yLo~lss~onnxplres: ' '~'~: /7c4~ q ~ ~ ~o ~ / 1l ~ day Notary Public ?4,? =lonal Land Sun/eyo*'s Scherbet agislral~on No. 164 ~gistrallon No. 1670 eglstmtion No 3990 Regislralion No. 6805 Scherbel gis/rallon No. 3889 ~gislrallon No. 8026 ]islrafioo No. 37211! YE A SCHERBEL ~islralion No. 5368 Scherbal, LTD. 'oming Wyoming Wyoming Springs, Idaho ', Idaho o osas:t DESCRIPTION FOR 0,:.83 C©F LYNN A. PORTER AND SELOMA C. POI{'rER PORTER RANCH TRACT _ REVISED To-wit: -_ That part of the NW¼ of Section 2, T32N RI I')\V. Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records on page 134 and all of thal true[ of record in said Office in Book 527 of Photostatic Records on page 79, descr/bed as lhllows: BEGINNINGthe northeast cornerat a spikeof said°n theNW¼;north line of s~i(I NW'/4, N89©_ 14'-36"W, 29.75 feet from thence S00o_42,_14,,W, 620.36 feet, along an existing £ence line, in part, to a point; thence S89o_30,_46,,E, 32.79 feet to a point on the e;~st line of said NW¼; thenCeLot 3 ofsaidS00°-25'-22"W'section 2;-620'38 feet, alohg said c',,sl line to the southeast corner of GLO thencecornerCOntinuingofsaid Nw¼;S00°'25'-22"W' 1337.02 feet. along said east line, to the southeast thence N89o_51,_47,,W, 1349.55 feet, along the soulh line of said NW¼, to the southwest corner &the SE¼NW¼ of said Section 2; thence continuing, N89o.51,_47,,W, 8.79 feet al ,, .' _of tha. t.t. ract~of record in said Office in Boo; <~'" ].~l~c.l south hne, to the southeast point an ex,sting Ience line; "-'-' ~ ~'l~otostatic Records on page 81, on thence coursing along the easterly line of said trazt ils Ibllows: N01°-26'-39"E, 304.05 feet, to a point; N07°'15"31"E, 466.63 feet, to a point; N00°-30'-09"E, 495.72 feet, to a point; N00°-47'-51"E, 873.49 feet, to a point, and leax c said easterly line; thenCeLane CountyN76°'50'-36"E'Road No.485'3112-168;feet' to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Porter thenCeNo. 12-168,coursingas follows:al°ng the westerly and northerly riul., t-o£-way line of said County Road N04°-23'-32"E, 52.97 feet, to a point; N74°-50'-32"E, 342.45 feet, to a point; N62°-45'-32"E'Highway237; 339.81 feet, to a point on thc south right-of-way line of State thence';S89°-12'-50"E' 18.72 feet, along said right-ol:way 1/ne, to Station No. 82+00- thence N00o_46,_55,,E, 32.45 feet, to a spike on the nor[h line of said NW¼; J~'?~M°dificati°ni" ' i in any way of the ¢ ~,oregoln '"~;:i"::::i::::; r pt o ~ m-rminates liability of the surveyor" . -: . -~-~.~,,;~ TR\3 2-119-2\Ly ~ - - DESCRIPTION FOR LYNN A. PORTER AND SELOMA C. PORTER PORTER RANCH TRACT - REVISED PAGE TWO ional Land Surveyors Scherbel ~gistralior~ No. 164 ~gislralion No. 1670 agistralJon No. 39~0 Regislralion No 6805 Scherbol gislralion No, 3889 ~gislralion No 8026 ]islralion No. 37211 I VE A SCHERBEL ;~istralion No~ 536~ Scherbel, LTD. 'ormng , Wyoming Wyoming Springs, Idaho r. Idaho 'thencesw¼ S89°'14'-28"E'ofSection 31, T33N131'55R118w;feet' along said north line, to the southeast comer of the thenceBEGiNNiNG;S89o_14,_36,,E,AND 4.50 feet, along the north line o£ said NW¼, to the SPIKE OF All of the SW¼ of Section 2, T32N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincolu County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records on page 134 and all of those tracts ol' record in said Office in Book 255 of Photostatic Records on page 568 and in Book 306 o£ Photostatic Records on page 116; AND All of the S~SEV~ of Section 3, T32N R119W Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Cle~-k of 1.~nc'c)ln County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records on page 134; AND All of the N½NE¼ of Section 10, T32N R119W, l.incoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records on page 134; AND The north 495.00 feet of the NW¼ of Section 11, T32N Rl l9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the ( )1)5 c e o f the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 54 of Photostatic Records on page 134, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of said NV¥'~ ,; thencecomerS89o_35,_55,,E,thereof; 2712.77 feet, along the norlh line of said N-W¼, to the northeast thence S00o_57,_12,,W, 495.00 feet, along the eas~ linc of said NW¼, to the northeast point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 221 oF Photostatic Records on page 527; thencewest lineN89°-35'-57"W'of said NW¼;2707'96 feet, along the norlh line of said tract, to a point on the thence N00o_23, 47" BEGINNING;- E, 495.00 feet, along sam west line, to the CORNER OF ENCOMPASSING an area of 423.79 acres, more or less; The BASE BEARING for this survey is the south linc oF the SW¼ of Section 31, T33N R118W, being N89o_14,_28,,W; SUBJECT12-168; to an easement for State Highway 237 and the Porter Lane County Road No. each" ,, comer found as described in the Comer Record tiled or to be filed in th, e Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reint'or-t.~ng rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON \Vy PLS 5368", with aPpropriate details; each "Station" marked by a 6" x 6" concrete post wilh brass cap inscribed: 'WYOMING DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION MONUMENT,,, with ;~ppropriate details; TR\32-119-2\Lynn Porter Mod~flcabon in any way of the foregoing descriplior~ tc. rminates liability of the surveyor" Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Schsrbel Wyo. Regislration No. 164 Utah Registralion No. 1670 Idaho Regislration No. 3990 Nevada Regislrafion No. 6805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registralion No. ~889 I"l~ho Registration No. 6026 Utah Regislration NO. 372111 MARLOWE A SCHERBEL Wyo. Registyalion No. 5388 Surveyor Schsrbel, LTD. Aflon, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson. Wyoming Lava Hot Sorings, Idaho Monlpalie~, Idaho ~ DESCRIPTION FOR LYNN A. PORTER AND SELOMA C. PORIE R PORTER RANCH TRACT - REVISED PAGE THREE all in accordance with the plat prepared to bc lilcd in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR [.h'NN A. PORTER AND SELOMA C. PORTER WITHIN THE W½ SECTION 2 SV}.q 1: '., SECTION 3 NE¼ SECTION 10 NW¼ SECTION 11 T32N R 119W LIN( ,/~ ~ .~,~',-?"~COUNTY'~, W OMING", dated 2 January 2004, TRL32-I 1..9_:2~L_2qn~Z] ?or t er "Modification in any way of the~n,; .... oe,~,;~plion terminates liability of the,. ' ":~" ~"