HomeMy WebLinkAbout905361 RECEIVED 12J17/2004 at 3:03 PM RECEIVING W 905361 /BOOK: b-/Ii PAGE: 326 JEANNE WAGNER lINCOLN COUNTY CLERK KEMMERER, WY 0326 SPECIAI. WARRANTY DEED TI:I-IR IND--, marie day of l)ccc~nber, 2004 by and between Ire Fi~2.BERAI, NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a corpQratiQn organi?~l and existing nndcr and by virtue of the laws of the United Stares of America, thc GRANTOR and SUSANE. SWEll ZER, a gingle Person. whose address _is P.O. Box 1989. Jackson, WY 83001 as Grantee, WlTNESSET! !: That Ire grantnr, for and in camidemfion of Ire sum t>l' Ten Dollars (SD.DO) and other good and valuable cnn.~iderafion in hand pal_d, Ire rece. ipt xvhcrcof is hereby acknowle_xlged, does, by Ihese presents, grant, bargain, sell, CON-~ ~ WARRANT only as again.qt all claiming by, Ihrough or under JI nnto lhe said Granlee all l. hat certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land ,situated in l. he Cozmty of 1 .inv. Qln, Slate of Wynming, and described as follows lo-wit: Jot 22 of Nordic Ranches Subdivision No. 3. Lincoln County, Wyoming according :to lhat plat fried April 6, 1993 as l'lat No. 311-B, Instalment_ No. 762820 of lira records of Ire I.inv-oln County Clerk. SI.IBJ-EC~, tmwever, lo ~ Ieserv~on.q, restrictions, prolecfive covenants, exceptions, easeme~ and fight.q-of-way of rec~)rd, in sight, or in IN WITNESS Wtq"F]~OF, Iht Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereumo affixed, and Ihese/zresenm Io be .qigneO by its duly authorized officer, the day and year fir~ above writZcn. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Assistant Secretary St_ate of Texas ) )ss Connly of I)alla.~ ) Patricia Man.qon, Vk:e-President On Iris . 1%~yy ~I)gcemher, 2004 before mc personally appeared Palxicia Manson Io me personally lmnwn, who, being byme duly sworn, did say that .~he is Ihe Vice th'esident of Fefleral National MQrlgage Association Ilmt Ihe seal it ft'ixed to said instrument is Ire corporate ~ of .qaid corpozafion by a,thnrity of its Board of Directors of said Federal National Morlgage _~,soc~on acknowledged raid instrument Io be Ihe free act and deed of said corporation. Wime~s my hand and affmial ~tl. My Cn,,,1,,ission Expires :( ' ~':t~'i?~ MyDmm~onExptr~ 08-18-0§