HomeMy WebLinkAbout90598231413 (04) .]:,q 11 2OOb .w:;~ur-m r',, ,,.. LUX'H1 & VOYL~S LLC · .. 0445 P~E 011~2 AFFI_DAVIT OF ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS TO WELL AND WELL/WATER AGI~EEMENT STAT~ OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVED 1/20/2005 at 11:38 AM RECEIVING # 905982 BOOK: 577 PAGE: 445 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER. WY WE, GLEN 1~. WEST und ANI3RA J. W£~T, being dttl¥ sworn uad.cr oath, follows: 1. That we azc the ownen of the ¢ra=t of land in Alpine, Wyoming, des~ibed in ~c $~ci~ W~uW Dc~ ~1 ~r¢ r~tdcd ~ ~¢ ~d ~orda of ]Ancoln Count~, Wyo~ng i~ gook ~41 PR at Page 275 on Au~st fi, 19&6 ~ ~s~e~t No. 659620, h~¢r ~rcd Io aa "T~t l", ~d ~e tract of l~d aej~cnt tkcg~m, a~fib~ in thc Wa~ty De~ ~ w~ on J~ua~ 14, 2003 m ~~t No, 886935 ~fl modified by ~o Affida~t filed in Book. 521 P~ at Pages 505 t~agk 507 on ~y 27, 2003 ~ Ii--cat No. 890194, ~¢reaRer rer~d la aa "Truer 2". fights of bo~ of ~e padics ~ thc Wt:lVWat~ A~ecment and Semite, Glen D. West ~d Andra J. W~t ~d D~¢] L. A~s ~d Jodi L, Self, a~d dot. mt being ~ord~ in ~e ta~ records of Mn.cola Count, Wyomi~ Jn Book ~9 PR ~ Pa8~ 37 ~o~ 40 Ga fu~ 20, 2000 ~ Inst~ent No. ~6~096, 3. That ~ the o~e~ of s~i~ p~p~ice, we ~ thc s~ccessors in interest to the r~gitt~ Of both pa-ica to ~c Warra. nry Decal t~tw~cn Olin D. W~st ~d Andra J. Wc~t md Jod~ TO WgLL AND WILL/WAq'K~ AGRI~'WENT P~O£ ! OY Z LLffHI & VOYLES LLC PAGE 02/~2 ScAr and Daniel Adams rtcozdcd ~n Book 449 P~ ~t Pages 16 and 17 o.. July 20, 2000 ~ InsOlent No. 867094, includ~ lhc resc~ati.on of M ~di~id~d 1~ inie~st in a well, pump, p~ss~ ~,lc dcs~d the~c~. 4. That we hereby abandon any and all fights that Tract 1 may have ir~ an to thc well and related f,~¢ilities on Trzct 2 pursuit to said Agreement ~nd 'said WammW Deed, a~d hereby declare that the 60¢ to Tract 2 shall here~%r ~ot be encumbered in any manner whatsoev~' by any provisions co~lainec! in raid doc~u~cnts regarding the w~ll and related facilities. DATED this ~ 0~ clay of.~anuatY, :2005. GLEN D. WEST STATE WYOMING ) )SS, COUNTY Oir LINCOLN ) SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before mc tl~s ~ d.y of January, 2005 by Glen D. West and A~.~cka J, West. WITNESS my hand and offi¢ia,l s~al. My Commission expircs: NOTARY PUBLIC AI:TIDAVIT OI~ AI~ANDONMEWI OF RIGHTS TO WELL AND WILL! WA~gR AGREEMENT PAG.I~ ~ O~F 2, BO8--~ YOO/i'OO'd 010-1 ~Btg-~£Z-IOB Zuedmoo ell!l PUel-~lO~:l BY:BO ~O-BI=NY?