Know all men by these presents that the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (the
"Secretary"), on behalf of he United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, an agency of
the United States of America, ("HUD") does hereby make, constitute, and appoint Joan Held, Firmin Boul,
Michael Ryan, Gail-Hyland Savage, Kerry Neterer, David Huckemeyer, Jane Ganoung, or Karen Raras of
Michaelson, Connor and Boul, Inc., 4500 Cherry Creek Drive South, Glendale, CO 80246, (the
"Contractors") each of whom may act as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to act in the name, place, and
stead of the Secretary of HUD for the purposes set forth below:
To sell and convey for cash or credit, real properties owned by the Secretary of HUD and located
in the states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana; to execute, acknowledge and deliver any
agreements of sale, special warranty deeds, HUD-1 closing statements, and any other instrument that may
be essential or required for the proper conveyance of such property; to negotiate, make, execute, sign,
acknowledge, and deliver in the name of the Secretary of HUD as lessor of such properties and collect rents
on such properties.
The rights, powers, and authority of the attorneys-in-fact granted in this instrument shall
conunence and be in full force and effect on the date hereof and such rights, powers, and authority shall
remain in full force and effect until 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time (EST) on July 31, 2005 (the
"Termination Date") unless otherwise terminated in writing by the execution and delivery of an instrument
revoking the authority hereby granted (the "Revocation").
Any third party may rely upon this document as evidence of each of the Contractor's authority to
continue to exercise the powers granted herein until the Termination Date, unless a Revocation has been
recorded in the public records where this instrument is recorded.
Executed this -~ 0[
dayof t/~/~ ~.
Signed in the presence of.&
R°'n Bailey, D~
Denver Single Family Homeownership
State of Colorado )
County of Denver )
f~.F) ~(~ dayof ./f.~ff, ,2004, personally came before me
b,!_ ~F57. ~ff2t_'l ~2']/ , to me known personally, who being duly sworn, states he is the Director of the
Denver Single Family~omeownership Center of the United States Dep~ment 0f Housing and Urban
Development (H~) find said power of attorney was signed and sealed by him on behalf of the Secretary
by the authority given in 68 F.R. 50157-50178 (August 20, 2003) and he ac~owledged said writing to be
the act and deed of the Secretary.
Witness my hand and':~lseal or stamp°nthis ~t~'dayof ~/~', 2004
I. WEILBfiCIt ~ Nota~ ~blic for the St~lor~o
~ ~"~' '5// ' My Commission Expkes: