HomeMy WebLinkAbout906059 State o1' Wyoming Comer Record .
(In compile, cc with the CORAtER pERPETUATION AND FILI~VGACT, Wyoming St~u~z, 1977, $cctlm 3(~-11-101, ~. seq., md the Rules md
Rcl~lalieus of thc Board of R¢sisU'~im for Profcssimal EnS, in¢c~s and Profcsslmsl I.~md Surveyors) .
Reverse sidc of this form may bc used if more space is needed.
Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if corner is lost or obliterated). Description of
corner monumontation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this
corner. Sketch o£ relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent
corner(s) (if dctcrmlncd in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or.obliterated comncr.
Record:-- Center South one-sixteenth corner of Section 18.
Found:-- 'A
½" iron pipe with plastic SURV-KAP inscribed as shown.
Pipe set 9" below ground surface lying parallel to the ground
surface. It appeared to have been disturbed by farm equipment.
Permission received by Lloyd B. Baker to replace mOnument in
true position.
A steel T-shaped stake 24" long, 14" below ground surface in plowed
field. Also set a witness corner north which is
a 2" galvanized steel pipe 28" long (BLM) type with brass cap
inscribed as shOwn. Monument set 6" above ground surface south
1.00' of an E/W 4 B/W fence.
0+00 Si S.18
13+23.025' Set S 1/16 as above
13+58.63 Set WC S 1/16 as above
26+46.05 C¼ S.18
Note:-- Baker monument -- see Corner Record dated 1 July 1974 -- is not
accepted as correct point as Baker incorrectly set E¼ Section
18. See Corner Record L-5.
- Afton
13 January 1982
DaeofFi¢ldWork: 20 May 1983 Om~R~:m~:Book ZP-3, page 60; Book ZP-13, page 1.
I 3 4 $ 6 7
This comer record was prepared
by me or under my dircction
md supervision.
- Afton
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' ; , ; .;;~; ;~: : Pine~-Marblel~on,' WY 83113
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: : : I : : [ ..... ..!];t.!.- Tclc~heo¢lqumbcr: 307-276-3347 or
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:1¢. ,,~-,-- :,4: . 739-0732
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~; I ~ i :' Ce ~ : ............... ........ ; ~ ~ , , . ~ ; , ~ [~ ~Oi S : x LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY
~ ~ , , , , o , ,o,, ,~,~,, ,~,, ,, ,,,0~o~,--~::,~ County of LINCOLN
Com:l~a~c: C S 1/16 s¢cao~:18 1' 32N R llSW 6th ~.~.~o~-l~:xl~o.: M-3 --