HomeMy WebLinkAbout906060 State of Wyoming Comer Recent . (Ia compli~,,ce with the COPOVER p£RPETUATIONAND FILINGACT. Wyoming Statutes, 1977. Sec~im 3~.11-101, eL seq., =nd the Rul~z mad Rcgulalicus of thc Board of Rcflj.~rafiem f~ Professional Fml~neers md Pro~e~imal Iamd Surveyors) side of this form may be ~ if more sp~c ~ needed. Record of original survey and. citation of source of historical information. (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monumontation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the location of figs comer. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in tiffs survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or.obliterated corner. Record.:-- The southwest one-sixteenth corner of Section t8. Found:-- A 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed as shown. Monument set 2" above ground surface southwest 0.6' of an 8" diam. cedar corner post 4' tall leaning northeast.. Corner post is post to northeast and west fences, with a gate at the beginning of the west fence. Also found an iron pipe in field south of R.P. Set:-- A steel T-shaped stake 24" long flush with ground, in the true point for the southwest one-sixteenth corner. Tied in the R.P. described above as S13°-59'-52"E, 23.77'. Bathey in- scribed "SURVEY POINT RLS 164 DO NOT DISTURB" Note:-- r~ 0 IIj m 0 Baker monument -- see Corner Record dated 1 July 1974 -- is not accepted as correct point as Baker incorrectly set E¼ Section 18. See Corner Record L-5. 0+00 S 1/16 S.13/S.18 0+00 W 1/16 S.18/S.19. 13+21.32 Set SW 1/16. S.18 as above 13+23.55 Set SW 1/16 as above 26+42.90 C S 1/16 S.18 26+46.78 C W 1/16 S.18 UNLAWFUL TO DISTURB. T32N R118W RP. 1/16 Cor. S24 LLOYD B. E/LS 69'8 CC: BLM County Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton Baker Dale of Field Work: 9 January 1982 22 March 1982 20 May 1983 ' Book ZP-3, pages 55,78; Book ZP-13, pages 2, 4. CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM O 9 10 1!12 i3 14 i$ 16 17 18 19 ~'0 21 ~* 23 24 2~ This comer rccord wa~ prepared by me or under my dircctiou md sup ervizicu. Fizm/Agmcy, Add~css :$urveynr Sch~rh~l: Itd . . SEAL & ,SIGNATURE Box 4296 283 Main Street -~Marbleton Big Pine~y-Marblel~on,' WY 83113 z:~=vum~m~er: 307-276-3347 or 739-0732 FAX 276-2348 $ T U ¥ W X Y Co~: ~: SW l / 16 SBRPEPLS/PLSW:March 1994 County of LINCOLN s:~o~: 18. T32N ~llSW; 6thP. l~.Cro~-In&xNo.: M-2 -- Revised