HomeMy WebLinkAbout906384 KNOW AiL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. qT:mt WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS a corporation, of r_he County of KING e~rtify that a certain mortgage, bem_,Sng dat~ the 18TH made amd exocutecl hy ' SALT RIVER HOMES ~ LLC ~ A as mor~gagor__ to WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ S~a~ o£ WASHINGTON . does hereby day of OCTOBER A. D, 2002 WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ~s mortgagee, conveying certain renl estat~ therein mentioned as s~urity for the paymant of $_ 122,800.00 . as the~:g.n s~ated, which mortgage was r~corded tm the ofru:~ of the County Clerk and Ex-Offieio Register of Deeds of LINCOLN County. Stat~ of ~yoming. on the 21ST da)' of. OCTOBER 2002 , in Book._5_02___of Mor~gage~, at pagw 365 . and mortgaging the following de~ribed r~al estate in said County. to-wit: LOT 175 OF NORDIC RANCHES DIVISION NO 12 LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. RECEIVED 2/9/2005 at 4:19 PM RECEIVING # 906384 BOOK: 578 PAGE: 648 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with a note ~:ured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fuUy paid. satizfiad, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgag~ does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the pr~mises t, hereby convoy,wi and mort- gaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS has caused tMse Presents to be signed by its SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND MANA(~ER and its corporate seal to bo affixed, this 7TH . day of FEBRUARY Signed, S~aled and Delivered ~n ~e lm'e~emce o[ At,st Seal: NO SEAL AVAILABLE Secretary. A.D. 2005 ~it~/SENIO~¥ P( t~c~r~'~CE<RE/'~i'IDENT AND MANAGE~''z-~--''~- R Note:. If it is not desired to describe land~ irt space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage." THE STATE OF IDAHO SS. County of BONNEVILLE ~ On this ~TH d,y o£ FEBRUARY _______.2005 before me personally appeared LARRY L WADSWORTH to me per~nally known, who. being by me duly swom, did say that he is the. SENIOR VICE PRES IDENT AND MANAGERof WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS and that the seal affixed to ,~{gd)Lf~~t is the corporate seal of said corporation, and ~.h~Lsaid-in~L~_._ment was signed and ~, ,~,~ ......... seMed o" behalf of said c.c~.~'~'~y'~~ of ,~ Board Of Dlrt~:t.ors and smd_ . qf"' ..... -~"~ -- " ~-~x---..-- .. '...-~,x'~. - · ""- - i/" " acknowledged said in,~ toJ~ the fr;(~ and deed of Given under ~Y-t~{~:t;~l~)~t~-'~M'¢.~"'"7-TH... d~y,z~ FE~R~ik~Y.._~z4 ,.A-D,2~00~ - '~ ./ ~ Notary Public, day of_' OCTOBER-" A.D. 2006 My commission ex~re;:l~, the, ",~,'~~ ~E STATE OF WYO~]m~,,~mm%tt~ ~unty of. This instrument was fried for record at A.D. ~. and duly recorded in Book o'clock___M., on the .on Page ·..day of. No. Fee~, $ By ' :.~.~,~ Oou_nty Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds Deputy Clerk