HomeMy WebLinkAbout90678950066 (04) STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Dorothy F. Woods aka Dorothy A. Woods sworn on oath, depose and say: AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED 3/1/2005 at 10:50 AM RECEIVING # 906789 BOOK: 579 PAGE: 882 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY , being first duly That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Montrose, Colorado That I was well and personally acquainted with Sandra L. Woods in that certain WarrantY Deed recorded January 16, 1978 , Book 143 P.R., Page 159 in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. at That I know of my own knowledge that Sandra L. Woods in the said deed and Sandra Lynn Woods mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This Affidavit is intended to terminate the joint tenancy (the life estate) of Sandra L. Woods in the following described property: Commencing at a point North 51015, West 4865 feet from the Southeast Comer of Section Eighteen (18), Township Thirty-seven (37) North, Range One Hundred Eighteen (118) West and running thence South 90o0, West, 275 feet, thence North 000, East, 219.6 feet, thence North 76o28, East, 283 feet, thence South 0°0' West, 285.6 feet back to point of beginning. 37 D-oroth)~ ~.,~¢¢oods Subscribed and sworn to before me this~ day of /¢ .2005 Comm~plre,' ~/¢W/~,.~~._ -..-- STATE OF COLORADO HOLD TO LIGHT TO VIEW WATERMARK "~ :STATE OF ~OLORA~O ::i! ~': 5:; ::: I STATE FILE NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Sa~d;a [~n~ WO09S J ~e ;eS~ua~7 12~ NUMaER ' ~t~h~y.(Years) ~ Mos ~ ~ys .. I Hfs ' M*~ *' {~onth, Day, Yea~: ~unl~y~ 522-66-7502 3b :{ :: ~: ::J ; ' ~:: J'*Janua~y 22, 19~8] ~ton. Wyoming Montrose Memorial Ho~pit~i" "'i!:i' :::,:i" '!': Montro~e ::': ' : Montr0se Museum Assistant '} ';'iI Ut~:;rndl~ff M~S~um ';'?~'-/~.:'~: I; Never ~rried I '' ~. RESIOENCE-S~ATE [ ~. COUN~ ',:' ;::~;~., , I~ CI~.TO~,OR~A~ON '; I~. S~RE~ANDNUM~R . ColoradoI I M°ntr°~e :': I 'Montrose'.?: ' ' I:' 67468 Sunnyside Road Lowell L. Woods .-?'::~ 'Ford " :: .'.:,[ Dorothy Ford, Mother m~. m~.,~s~.~ ~Valley La~S C~tory .'~ Montrose, Colorado ~ .,:~:;~-.:: :. ': Moutrose ValleY Funeral Home 505 S. 2nd Street, Montrose, CO z~,: 81401 2~4. 2310 ~ 12 2004 2310 No - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~::::: John C. L~bert, M.D. 300 S'. Nevada Montrose, CO zm; 81401 31. NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTIFIER (Type/Print) 4 33~. DATEOF N JURY 33b. TIMEOE ~33¢. INJURYAT 1'33~ DE$CRIBEHOWINJURYOCCURRED I (Ment~ Day, Yee~) I INJURY ~ WORK? I ~Suic~:le Manner J33e. P~&.CEOFIN~JR :, i~. ' t, aotMy. ' I THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD WHICH IS IN MY CUSTODY. DATEI$SUED EELq 2 2 2005 RONALOS. HYMAN -,..', STATE REGISTRAR Do not accept unless prepared on security paper with engraved bord~'~tisplaying the Colorado state seal and signature of the Registrar. PENALTY:: BY LAW? Section 25:2-118, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1982, if any person alte}s, tisesi:attempis to useov furnishes to another for deceptive use any vital statistics record. NOT VALID IF PHOTOCOPIED. REV 07/03