HomeMy WebLinkAbout906963THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 3/9/2005 at 4:05 PM RECEIVING # 906963 BOOK: 580 PAGE: 466 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE BY THE ENTIRETIES I, Robert E. Beutler, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That I am of adult age, a resident of Lincoln County, and the Affiant herein. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 48PR on page 306 is recorded a Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed, dated the 13th day of March, 1961 conveys unto Robert E. Beutler and Rae F. Beutler, as Husband and Wife by the Entireties the following described property, to-wit: Lot 5 and the Northerly one-half of Lot 6 of Block 7 of the Fairview Addition to the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. That said Rae F. Beutler died on the 14th day of October, 2003, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". That by reason of death of said Rae F. Beutler and by reason of §2-9- 1 02 W.S. (1 980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Robert E. Beutler continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Robert E. Beutler State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Robert E. Beutler this 9th dayof March, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: March 12, 2005 Notary Public OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~O~ALE,LE.UM.E" .TIFICATE OF DEATH ST^TEE,LENU.SER : , 1 NAMEOF DECEDEUT!~jl FIRST(?~iDDI-E7 LAST 2SEX j3aDATEOFDEATH(,~o..Day Yr./ "' "' ~ ' :'~ ::=;~'~ ~: Female 3b TIME OF OE~H : J October 14, 2003l 0400:: ::~:::: :' . 4- DATE OF BI~ ~ B,~~' I~R 24 ~S 6 BIRTHP~CE (C#y & State or Fomign Count~) 7 SOC AL SECUR ;. ~ _*~rc~ ~2~ ~'l~u' I~'~ Evanston. Wvom~n~I ~a P~CE ~ HOSP~~~,,,~,~,ALL OTHER LOCATIONS 1Bb. N~ E OF HOSPIYAL NORS NB H~ME OR OTHER FACILI~ One) '.2. E~Obt~liem~ ~:{~ ~ '~ 7 Omer(spe~)~ T.~ ~o.~.01 : 8c C ~, TO~, OR LOb~J~ ~¢~;:/¢ l ed; COUN~ OF DEATH [ SURVIV NG SPOUSE (f wife g ve maiden name %*,' ';;~{;/~¢~};i';~;' hobo01 Teacher Education :' i3~ RES 0~~ ~~ : 13b C ~ TO~ OR COMMUN ~ 3c ~n.~ ,.2 e; 142~ I Ke~erer Lincoln ~ wyom~n~ 13e. INS~DEC~ 13f. ZIPCODE ~': ~.WA~0E~EDENT~O~HSP~CORGN? ~ 1 Yes ~ 2 No 15 ~CE-aa~ ~ a ~ 6 EOUCATON~ on/ ~ hast .:~:.. :: ::~fx~2 ;~,~1~: <. In~Jan(~bemaybeenler~ grade ~m~e ed) Eemana~ I 83!0!:~¢:~:~:, .:~ , I ~tte 17+ : Robert HuKh:F0~an;:~'¢; :,? Laura Beth Bond : Robert E; B~UE'i~;~f~d'~:d, Central Avenue Ke~erer, WyominK,- 83101' ~' 18, 2003 Ke~erer Cemetery Ke~erer, Wyoming: : ' :: ' ':~R .o oA, ,~ I~amas, Utah 84036 : ~FIE~ ~ 2. M~D~C~:~MLt~:EN~EM~r~*~FFiCIAL:~ Q~h~ b~sls ~f ex~ma~ an~ investigalion ~ my opin on dea~ o~red a he me da e p ace and due O he 27b. SIGNATURE ~T¢~ ;~;:: ;': ' 2Zc LICENSE NUMBER 27d. DATE SIGNED (Mon h Day, 28' N~E AND ADDR~'~R~¢~:~Q ~STiel~O THE~USE O~ 6~TH ( leto 3 (ry~nnt) ;;:: :: : ; 31::PARTI~ EN/ER~H[DJ~¢¢8 ~RE~¢Q~_¢O~LI¢~N$~HATCAUSEDTHED~TH OONOTENTERTHEMOOEOFOYNG SUCHASCARD~C App~Xmaelnte~a ;~: ::;:;~:~. ': ' DR RESP ~TO~Y';~h~p~H~I~URE L ST ONLY ONE CAUSE ON ~CH L NE ee~ n : : : any I~adi~ to immedi~?'~ J ::, : ~use Enter: UNDERE~INB~;~4~'~ t ;';; ::' CAUSE (disease or in U~ tha~~¢~, ,~¢~ .... * ::' ,:' c,', :"?~'~%~ ~ ,~,. ? 2' : : -.: ; P~TiI: ~er~c~i{~.:i~¢8~¢¢~32;~N~8R~P~N~N~T~BACC~USEBYTHEDECEDENT: 33a WAS AN AUTOPSY 33b ~REA~Opsy cAusE OF but ~l resulting ~ lhe unde/l~in~ ~:~ p/~ , ;? ,~ : ..... - -' ;: >: ::: :::~?~'~ ~;~::r. ~? ~ ' ; PRIOR TO COMPLET ON ' ?' ~;~:~- ?~ ~2~' ~;;'~ ; : ~ ' CHq~ I ~ Yes ~2. No ~ 1 Yes ~2 No ' : : ,¢&¥~::~;~?~ ~¢~;~,:~2-A;~; ~::; :::, :,'::;:;: ; , --.u ..... , ~ ,. ~ - - om~. bu/ding etc. (s~i~) : ' ",;;;~ .; passengerorpeae~ran . , ' dG~iB~R . i¢~j~aa : '* HQWI,JU~YOCCURRED(enters~uen~ eventswhichmsul~nlnju~ NATUREOF NJURYshauldbeener~n e~3t) ': ,~0~,,~ :~;~'~3t~;~:~ ·' : ', · . ,/,::,:,~: ?, : ih this office Th s certified copy is issued !953 AS Amended. * 0 ,E: Nang e OF VITAL RECORDS 321,193.