HomeMy WebLinkAbout907337'0778 Affidavit of Successor Trustee I, Paul Kirk Potter, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date December 30, 2000, Nedra H. Potter, by deed of that date, .which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on November 12, 2002, in Book 504 of Photostatic Records on Page 302, conveyed to The Nedra H. Potter Family Trust, dated November 18, 1980, Nedra H. Potter, Trustee, the following described property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: Lot 112 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 3, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, The Nedra H. Potter Family Trust, dated November 18, 1980, Nedra H. Potter, Trustee, became the owner of the above described land, and title thereto vested continuously in said trustee from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Nedra H. Potter, on the 30th day of May, 2003. That by reason of and upon the death of Nedra H. Potter and pursuant to Section 7 of the trust agreement, title to the above described real property vested in Paul Kirk Potter, as the successor trustee. Affiant avers and certifies that Nedra H. Potter, also known as Nedra Hansen Potter, is the identical party named in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this ~ day of ,2005. State of /'3t'~] / ) County of ~!'¢/)¢2/~)/b/ ))ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notai'y public in and for said County and State, by Paul Kirk Potter, this ~2~/k day of ~./~-,n) ,2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. RECEIVED 3/30/2005 at 9:21 AM RECEIVING # 907337 BOOK: 581 PAGE: 778 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY '!: .['"" 'ii .............. ' ,ERTIFICATE OF DEATH female May 30, 2003 0855 8e P~CE ~, H~SPITAL [sta~?~~ ~ ~THER ~OCATIONS: ; ; 8b N~E OF HOSPITAL. NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILI~ DE D~TH ' ~ ~: ~ ~:~ ~'~) ~/~ ~ ~ .. ~ (ifoulside a fe~li~, give ~met address of ~tion) . ~.e) ,~ze~qu~p~,,.C~:pg~.:~l~,o,~er~.~; 11231 E. Brickyard Road ~502 DECEDENT 10, WAS DECEDENT i~:,~E~yO~::~ '~F ~f i2a~OECEDEN~SUSU~OCCUPATION (Give~rk~ne 12b KINDOFBUSINESSQRINDUSTRY . EVERINTHEUS. '::~ ~u~ most of wo~ life. ~ NOT enter m~) ' ~,.*.. ~.,~': ~,:~a,~,;e,~:;~,.~****~ BUsiness Owner ~ravel 13b. CI~. TO~ OR COMMUN~ 13c COUN~ 1~. STATE 1231 E. ~)'~;~:~d:~d;' ~502 Salt hake City salt Lake Utah ' ~. : ~:"";~' %: ~ :":' white 17+ :: :"*"""*' : LorenZo : Ethel Maud Bosworth Lane, Sandy UT 84093 : 20'METHOD OF DISCOS T ON t: 6:~j~?~:~:~}i: '21a pate OF o SPOS T ON 21b P~CE OF D SPOS T ON (ne~ or.me e~ 21c tOCAT ON - C y : ~:: , :~';~F~:~:c~ UOJ I . . ' Salt Lake City ' UT mSPOSnON ~4. aunal ~ ~ 'i5.;~[~'~;8"~l~ Memorial Estates ' ' ::': '~: ' ' I ::'" ~ S. CanflonI 102535mCannon Mortuary , ~ 2a DATE DEC~SED ~AS ~* ~ ~ ;~;~d~ ~.~6i ~16~V maai~ axamlnar, waa a~a~ ~aooa~a to ME~ ~ ~. va~ ~ Z ~o ] 2460 E. Bengal Blvd.' ' A~ENDED BY CE~T ~ N~ PH~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~n ~r he da e~d h~re~ed ~ ~ ..... '~. : ~-- ~'~ ~0~: ~NOi ~'~ J ': ::: ~ ' HR. MO DAY y~ .:t: . I3OI. gATERE~iST~NOTIFIEOOFD~TH 130~ DATE FILED i~o Da~ W) .; . ;I . ,-,,; : :;:',;,:: :~ :, ::,%:¢:,;,.~:: , , P~T:II.: OiherSigfl[~nk;c~lE~pl~k~de~lh a2. INyQ~ROPINiON, TOaACCOUSEBYTHEDECEOENT: 33a. WAS ~ AUTOPSY 33b ~RE'AUToPSY ' .'¢ s: '~' .: > ;:;'¥~.~.;~G~)~,~;~?;~ ~r: ~. ~.; ' ~ ' PriOr TO COmPLET ON ~. M~NER OFD~TH~ ' ~{~ ~ ~3~ ~ IN~U~ ~Mo. ~x Yr.) 35b T ME OF N JURY 35c N JURY AT WORK? 3~ P~CE OF N JURY- Alh~e larm slm~t fa~o~ : : ~:~:~h~ ~;e;<:' ',- ~:' r24HourCl~k) ~ ~ o~ bu ~ng ec : · · ;~,~ ~'~:X~ ~a~TiQ~[~r~or~f~uenumber ~t ~ own ~un andsae 35 moorve~ea~Men s e ~de de~ as that ithiS is:~ in th S office:This certified copy is issued !953 As Amended. CQunty .SALT ~E RECTor OF VITAL RECORDS