HomeMy WebLinkAbout90755700723 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE THIS CERTIFIES that a certain Real Estate Mortgage executed by Kevan C. Larsen and Patricia B. Larsen, husband and wife as Mortgagor to Comer C. Chapman and Barbara Chapman, husband and wife as Mortgagees Dated 09/01/99 and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on 09/08/99, Book 435 of P.R., Page 505. thereof, and for the sum of $28,000.00. See Exhibit "A" Attached Hereto has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled and discharged. WITNESS my hand this day of Se~__~Tr' .A~D., 2004 ~ ~hapman~~' Barbara Chapman STATE OF WYOMING County of Lincoln :SS On the fl / day of September, A.D., 2004 personally appeared before me, Comer C. Chapman and Barbara Chapman, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public Commission expires: Residing at ~rooer, RECEIVED 4/8/2005 at 10:56 AM RECEIVING # 907557 BOOK: 582 PAGE: 723 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY EXHIBIT "A" 0072 DESCRIPTION FOR CHRISTINR VAN NOY ROBERTS ESTATE QUIT-CLAIM DBED - CHAPMAHTRACT 5O6 ?hut part of the }~¼tlB% of B,etlon 23, T34N, RllgW, within t incorporated llmitm of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln Count Wyoming, being part of thome tr~ct~ of recold in the Office ct t Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 152 of Photostatic Records on pa 525 and in Book 51 of Photostatic ReCords on page 94, degcrlb{d BEUINNINO at a point on the we~t line of the said NWkNE~ 800 03.3'W, 100.00 feet from the northwest corner of the said found am described in that CerLlfied Land Corner Recordati. Certificate fi]ed in the said Office/ thence continuing S00"-0].3,w, 40.38 feet to an intersection wi' the east right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence souther]¥, 165.11 fee~, alon9 the said east right-of-w{ line alon9 the arc of a circular curve to tho right through point; · ~h~nce oon~lnuin9 *outh~rlyt {0.~9 £e~t, along ~he *ai~ right-of-way line ~lono the arc of a circular curve to the ri ~hrou~h a central ~ngl~ of 3~-2B.6, with a r~dium of 1004~ feet, to a point; thence ,e~'-3a.9'E, 21~.59 feet along ~n 'exl~ting fence, to point; thence N00'-05.0'~ 226.33 teet~ along the east line, in pate, maid tract of ~ecord in Book 152, to the southern mo6t eouthve~ point of ~hat tract o~ record in the said Office in Book 27~ ~hotosatic Re¢ords on page 52; thence continuing H00°-05;0.~, 30;00 feet, along ehe ~og line amid tract in ~ook 274, to a point/ thence ,0~'-40.3'~, 129.00 feet,' aiong the ~outh line o~ ~al tract'in Book 271, to the oouthea~t point of that tract of reoor in the maid Office In Book 192 of Photostatic Records on pa thence continuing NOgo-4fl.3,{g, 150,00 feet, along the ~outh lin of ~ld tract In Book 192, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; encompasaln9 an area of 1.~8 acres, moro or less; each 'point" and 'lnter~ection. ~ark~d by a 5/8' x' 24' reinforcing rod with a 2' aluminum SurvKap inscribed' "Sur'veyo. $cherbel, Ltd. Big Piney Wyo, PLS 536B"l . . the base beortn9 for thls'~urvey 1~ the n'6rth linc.of'ibm a~td $ma[lon 23, bolo{ $~-48.3~; ' all in accordance with the pl~t prepared to ~e ltl'ed in tho 0ffl'c~ of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled ~ CHRISTINE VAH N0¥ ROB~RT2 ISTAT~ PbAT Ot T~ACT$ WITHIN ?H~ N~NE~ 8~CtlOlq 23 T34N ~119~ ~ARTLY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWH OF THAYHE LINCOLH COOHTY{ ,,h"YOglN0'{ dated 2~ ;~l~ust 19B~. ~k~ C ' ' ~.~~~ hnpm~n.de. 8Phd;k '%I ~ CO~R C, CHAPMAN A}~ ~ARBARA CHAPMAN , A ~trip o~ land eixt? (~0) feet in width in the m;%N£¼ of Sect~ 2~, T341N, Rllgw, within the incorporated l~mite of the Town Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, with fha south line described followsl COMMENCING at s 3/8" x 12" steel spike ~n the we~t line of t bald N~N~%, S0O'-0).3'W, 359.00 feet from the northwest corr of the 8aid ~I~N~, ~ound a= described in ~hat 'Certi~led. L~ Corner Recordation Ce[lflcate filed in the ~ld Office; thence ~8g'-]8.~'E, 60,03 feet to ~n inte'~sectlon with the ea right-Of-Way line of U,$, ~lghway ~); th. ~OINT OF bZOINNINO/- thence continuing NS)*-~8,9'E; 219.59 feet to a point on '~ southerly extention of the east l~ne,bf that tract of recdrd. the laid Office in sock 152 of Ph0tost.&ti'o,.Rec~rds on page 525; wt~ the north line o~ said str~p ~eln~ len~thene~ o~ ehor~ened necesmary to intersect thm ~aid east £1ghk-of-waF line and t ~aid southerly extention~ reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum SurvKap inscribed 'Survey $ohcrbel, Ltd. BI9 Piney WyO DLS 536~"; the base hearth9 for bbl. burvey i~ the north line of the NE~'" all ~n accordance with the. pla~ prepared to be' filed in the OffL of the ClerR of Llnooln County titled 'CHBISTINZ VAN NOY SO, fiB' ESTATE PLAT 0P TRACTS NITBIN THE N%~E~ SECTION 23 T34N Rll: PARTLY WITHIN :'HE INCORPORATED LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF THAY{ LINCOLN COUHTY, ICOMINO", dated 29 Au0ust 198~. ch~p~ase,~es ll?hd~k any way of Ihe IOrmgoln~ delcripllon lt;mlnltts lilhllh¥ ol ~ht f.;wyot"