HomeMy WebLinkAbout907878 RECEIVED 4/25/2005 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING # 907878 BOOK: 583 PAGE: 653 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00653 MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF PROMISSORY NOTE #108496 AND MORTGAGE BORROWER LENDER Alan W. Maki Ann W. Maki 8200 Ginami Circle Anchorage, AK 99516 The Bank of Jackson Hole 990 W. Broadway P.O. Box 7000 Jackson, Wy 83002 Address of Real Property: 588 McNeel Road, Alpine, WY THIS MODIFICATION OF PROMISSORY NOTE AND MORTGAGE, dated the 7th day of March, 2005, is executed by and between Borrower and Lender identified above. A. On January 12, 2004, Lender made a loan ("#108496") to Borrower evidenced by Borrower's promissory note payable to Lender in the original principal amount of $1,106,000.00, which Note was secured by a Mortgage executed by mortgagor for the benefit of Lender ~o~eting the real proPerty desCribed oh S~hedule A below and recorded as Document No. 896801 with filing date January 24, 2003 in Book 546 at page 612 in Lincoln County, WY and all Modifications of record. The Note and Mortgage and any other related documents are hereafter cumulatively referred to as the "Loan Documents." B. The parties have agreed to Modify the Note and it is necessary to provide for a similar Modification of Mortgage. The parties agree as follows: 1. The maturity date of the Note will be extended from July 12, 2005 to September 30, 2005 at which time all outstanding sums due to the Lender under the Note shall be paid in full. 2, The parties acknowledge and agree that the current principal balance Of the loan is $1~135,300 and that the interest balance as of April 15, 2005 is 6,513.45 due and payable at the time of this modification. 3. The parties acknowledge and agree to increase the amount of the loan by $335,425.00, to a total of $1,500,000.00. 4. Borrower agrees to pay a Loan Fee of $1,677.00, an appraisal fee of $1,200.00i a recording fee of $250.00, a flood determination fee of $18.00 and a title insurance fee 00654 of $427.00 for a total of $3,572.00 at the time of this modification. 5. The next interest payment will be due May 15, 2005. 6. Borrower agrees to pledge additional collateral Of a second mortgage on 8200 Ginami Circle, Anchorage, Alaska and other terms and conditions as outlined in Loan CoK~itment Letter dated APril 13, 2005. 7. Mortgagor represents and warrants that Mortgagor owns the proPertY free ahd clear of any liens or encumbrances other than the liens described on Schedule B Below. 8. Except as expressly modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Loan Documents shall remain in full force and effect. The partie~ hereby adopt, ~atify and confirm these terms and conditions as modified 9. Mortgagor agrees to execute any additional doc~ents which may be required by Lender to carry out the intention of this Agreement-. As of the date of this Agreement, there are no ClaimS, defehSeS, setOffs or counterclaims of any nature which may be asserted against Lender by any of the undersigned. Ann W. Maki SCHEDULE A Refer to exhibit 'A' Which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. SCHEDUL~ B First Deed of Trust with Cit!nnortgage Inc., P.O. Box 9442, GaitheiSbUrg, MD 20898 On 8200 Ginami Ci~Cle, AnChorage, Alaska ................................ Acknowledgment State of ~Z~./) County of a~.~ .~? ))SS by Alan W. Maki and Ann W. Maki. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public My commission expires: O//~/~ Y 00655 Doily Green Notan/Public FayeLte Co. GH My Comm. Erp. Jan. 5. 2007 T.~,NDER K.M. LeVasseur Vice President Corporate Acknowledgmen~ State of Wyoming ) )ss County of Teton ) On the ~O day of ~, ~ , 2005, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by KlM. LeVasseu~, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she is the Vice President of The Bank of Jackson Hole , the corporation described herein and which executed the foregoing; that he/she knows ~he seal of Said CorpOratiOn; that the seal affixed to the foregoing is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he/she signed his name thereto by like order. Witness my hand and official seal. NOtARy ~dBL~C My commission expires: ~ ',,~J~- C) ~'~ EXHIBIT "A" 00656 b~in~ mot'., panic'alarl:r de,mribad a~ follows: N 8~'59'Ifl' E, 1070 f~et m ti~e West ba~ of ~e Salt Rive.-: fou~w~d llong ~id d~er ba~ ~ follawi~ cour~: ~.49'~0' W, 215 f~ 5 13'30' W, 430 S 20~11'~0" W, 2~8.14 S ~'30'~, W, 210 f~Q ' j · $14'~'4.1.' E, 210.62 ~t to.the W~ righ~f-w~y lin~ of a s~ foo~ a~w~mrly on ~ 2t0 foot ndimq cu~e alo~ ~ ~gh~mf-way 1~, ~.67 feat, (long chO~ bean S 21'55'53~ W, 96.79 S 87'30' W, 203.27 N 23~24' W, 250 fret; N 12' W, 240 noahw~t~ly ~on/a 885 fao~ radius ~c to ~he leR a ~s~e of 489.3 N 46'19'20' E, 14.0~ ~riy ~lu~ ~ ~33.0 t~at adios cu~c m ~c Ic~ 402.28 along i 3~ foot radim curve (long cllord N 12'34'~' E. 425.36 d~ia~e of 472.79 f~t to ~c poet.of begs. th~nc.- thcnc~ th,"'rlcc /hca~ £ZB-~ BOO/~OO'd O~?-I 9819-EEI-/O~ Xu~d~uo3 ~llli pue']--~108-4 hVll:BO YO-BO-NYr