HomeMy WebLinkAbout908265Know All Men by These Presents: THAT Rocky. Mountain Bank 101 E. Legion Whitehall, Mt. 59759 do___e.$._ hereby certify and declare that a cerlaln Mortgage, bearing date the .... 4th .................................... day of ........ .J..u.n...e. ................................... A. D. .2..0..0...4. .... made and executed ...... b..y. .............................................. Wendell Harris, Trustee of the Wendell Harris Profit Sharing Plan the parl.._'_l_.e_.s of the first part, mentioned in said mortgage to ...... Rocky..Mo.untai~_Bank ................. lhe part..i..e.~., of the .second parl, therein mentioned; and given to sec.re the payment of ............................................ ......................... ~-[-°-?-~-s--.s.-°-~Y----~---°-.t--e-----i-~---t.-h-e.____.A~...°..u..~..t..Of.. $.!.27,344.00 ................................ and n, hich Mortgage was duly recorded in lhe office of the County Clerle and Recorder of Lincoln County, State /he 9th ....................................................... on .................................................... day of June .......................................................... A. O. 2004 at .......... 3;33 ......o'cloct~ ...... P.,..M.. in Bo~J~ of D o c umentfgqJ~016 ............. . ........... Mortgages on Pa '~nd said Mortgage together n,ith the debt /hereby secured, is hereby fully paid, satisfied and discharge~ 1N WITNESS WHEREOF ........ w..9__haY_9. ........ hereunto set ...o..u_..r...hand.s. ................... and seal ...... 6th this ...................................... : ................................. day of ......... .......................................... . Cla- J Landr Bran ' ( ( z~__~.,_ / [w:.~ ' ' _ ...... ~. ..... : ............. STATE OF MONTANA, ] '"~,-~, ~ Jefferson ss. On this ........... 6tlz .................... day of ...... May. ................................................. in the year -2-00-5 .... before me.. Virginia M Miller .................................................................. a Notary Public for the Slate of Monlana, personally appeared Clay J. Landry & Barbara Sunderland .......... ;'.-; ..... : ....... : ........ . ............................................................. l~nomn to me to be lhe person..fi .... whose name ........ :.:: ...... :'7:.' .... ?,'Z"::. .d:.~,.,A!~:~!:.id.~'~(ribed ,to the mithin instrument _. and acl~nomiedged to me that t t, el~ executed the c~m'~;"~ ??.',...' /( Z'"';:~!'-.,... ' ........................ .,:. ~.~'~ ,..~,~ . .~ . .:'..' .. -'~?=-:'-': ........ :'~r. '. ~ ~'~.:'- :~ IN WITNESS WHEREQF I have hereunto set m hand a --,':'"-.': :.,.',?..:::~!'~:: ~.x'. ~' : .... ~ ~, y nd affixed my 7"::'t':2;i'([,'.::~_.?:5:?:5;'d"~i. % ~ :_ OfhcM Seal the dayX~nd year in this certificate above written 77f""~ F~ ~" -"'":/ : ' : . - ' ~ · RECEIVED 5/9/2005 at 3:33 PM RECEIVING # 908265 BOOK: 585 PAGE: 18 JEANNE WAGNER ", :, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMEREN O