HomeMy WebLinkAbout908313Sent By: SuPveyon Sche?bel, Ltd.; 307 8.85 9809; bl,~¢_~.n~ ¢~.,,o. RECEIVED 5/11/2005 at 3:20 PM RECEIVING# 908313 BOOK: 585 PAGE: 116 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY CLAIM DEED KNOWN ALLMI/N TH~B PR~ENT$, That L~ H~ ~ Wif~ of Ten ~ qu~toa~ ~ by ~ pr~ do ~r my lmm, ex~uto~ ~ sdmlniit~o~, CLA~ E. ~~ C~ ,~ ~E~, I H~ ~d WEe who~;e addre..q is . ' ' heir~ s_ad assigns, forever, all ~eh right, t inter~st, propeay, posse~sk~n, ~ ~ d~ ~ we Mve, ought to ~ve or he~ acq~r~ ~ c all dte following descfib~ ~r~t$~, t~wi~ That part of Section 6, T30N RI IiW 0r the 6th P,M,, LincoM County, Wyoming de. feri.he( Exhibit A prepared hy Marlowe A, dated 29 April, Hereby rolcasiz]g and waiviag all righti under and by virtu,, of the homestead exe;nplion laws of ri &'t~te of Wyoming, Dat,M axis ~ day of May, 20031 Stat~ of ) County of ) _L~. ~.-~C~e foresoln8 in.~tn:ment was ac~wl~8~ ~fore me by Lloyd Steve~ ~d Joyce S~vcn~ ~ ~y of bfay, 2035. Nota~ Public _" STEPHANIE BOWERS so.,. T mp, , s.,,. ~ Lake Oi~, Utah 841H ~mmisslon Expires May 21,2007 State of Utah . IIIIIIIIiiiii~ My Commistt~ ExpLres: r to oll this ~lic Page 2 001!6 DESCRIPTION FOR LLOYD STEVENS AND JOYCE STEVENS TRACT 2 00!j. 7 To-wit: - - That part of the SW¼SE¼ of Section 6, T30N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being all of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 133 of Photostatic Records on page 713 EXCEPTING that tract of record in said Office in Book 133 of Photostatic Records on page 715; Subject to an easement for Reeves-Schwab County Road No. 12-149; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "REEVES FARM, INC. CLAYNE E. REEVES AND CHERYL ANN REEVES PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN THE E½ SE¼SW¼ SECTION 6 NW¼ W½NE¼ SECT.ION 7 T30N R118W WYOMING", dated 26 January 2005, as 'rofessional Land Surveyors 'aul N. Scherbel ryo. Registration No. 164 Itah Registration No. 1670 taho Registration No. 3990 'evada Registration No. 6805 co~t A. Scherbel tyo. Registration No. 3889 laho Registration No. 8026 tab Regislration No. 372111 IARLOWE A, SCHERBEL /yo. RegJslration No. 5368 urveyor Scherbel, LTD. lion, Wyoming ig Piney, Wyoming :~ckson, Wyoming ava Hol Springs, Idaho Iontpelier, idaho "Modification in any way of the for.:,:.,.,,,,,.~ description terminates liability of the: :;'"' :::',""~¢:-' ''