HomeMy WebLinkAbout908587STATE OF WYOMING GRANT OF EASEMENT Easement No. 5093 (', 0 8 0 (BP Champlin # 149 L-2) WHEREAS the Board of Land Commissioners approved this grant of easement on May 5, 1993; THEREFORE, the State of Wyoming, acting flu-ough its Board of Land Conmffssioners (Grantor), for and in consideration of the payment of Three thousand eight hundred thirty-four and 47/100 dollars ($3,834.47) hereby grants and conveys to Williams Gas Processing Company (Grantee), to use for the term of 35 years, in the following described tract of land for natural gas pipelh~e purpose o~fly, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1 All that portion of the E½ of Section 16, T. 19N.,R. 112W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wymning, lying between parallel right of way lines 40 feet apart, being 20 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exlfibits. The described parcel of land contains 3.01 acres, more or less. Parcel 2 All that portion of the SW~ASW¼ of Section 22, T. 19N.,R. i 12W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 40 feet apart, being 20 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 1.104 acres, more or less. Parcel 3 All that portion of the W½ of Section 34, T. 19N.,R. 112W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyonfing, lying between parallel right of way lines 40 feet apart, being 20 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 5.036 acres, more or less. Parcel 4 All that portion of the SE¼NW¼ of Section 16, T. 19N.,1L 112W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyonfing, lying between parallel right of way lines 25 feet apart, being 12.5 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains .027 acres, more or less. See attached Exhibits A 1-3 & B These descriptions are based on a survey done by and under the authority of, Dick R. Griffin with Wyoming P.L.S. No. 2785 and certified in November 1991, December 1992 and Augnst 1999. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this easement across the above-described tract of land for the purpose of locating, constructing, using, nmintaining, improving, and repairing the above-described natural gas pipeline, subject to the following conditions: The rights granted herein shall forever be subject to the rights of the Grantor, its assigns or lessees to explore for, develop, and extract any and all minerals or other subsurface resources beneath this easement. If required for mineral exploration, development or extract/on, the Grantee shall, upon written notice from the Grantor, remove or relocate at its own expense the above-described pipeline. Upon abandonment or discontinuance of use of this easement for the purposes specified above, all of Grantee's rights under tiffs grant of easement shall revert to Grantor or its assigns, the same as if this grant had never been made. Failure to report to Grantor the status of the use of this easement every ten years from the date of this grant shall be evidence of intent by Grantee to abandon this easement. Should this easement be abandoned by Grantee, the above-described tract of land shall be returned to a condition satisfactory to Grantor. This easement may be transferred, however, no transfer may increase the burden on the servient estate in any nlanner. 4. Any transfer of ownership of this easement, or any change of name or mailing address of the owner of this easement, shall be reported to Grantor within thirty (30) days of the transfer or change. The State of Wyoming and the Board of Land Commissioners do not waive their sovereign immunity by entering into this agreement and specifically retain inununity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 1-39-104(a) and all o~er law. / "' b WHEREOF, the Board of Land Commissioners causpd tiffs insm)m~o be signed by its President Countersigned: Governor, President Board of Land Commissioners // - - f State Lands & lnv~nents 1 as to Form: ~tepllan~ Anes~i~Attorney General RECEIVED 5/20/2005 at 11:08 AM RECEIVING # 908587 BOOK: 585 PAGE: 810 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, VVY 3ECEIVED APR 2 8 2005 GHT-OF-WAY _ .,~ ' Exarnhmd mt {'tC/g"i % Easement No. 5093 "~ '" Exhibi't A. 1 of 3 1944 t2112.51 L- 17 16 90+34.4 SECTION LINE N 10'49' E IEOU^TION 85+93.8 AH. 86+18.8 BK 11'18' LT. N 22'07' E 85,68.4 ~ Q. JESTAR PIPELINE 84~62.2 ~ I0" PRESIDIO PLP 83+80.0z~2~'28' RT. 20 21 N 1'22' 68+94.~ ~ WASH 8' 64,05.7 z~ 5'45' RT. 63+50.1 ~ AMOCO PIPELIN[ 61+19.7 ~ ROAD (IB'W.) N 7'06' W 57+81.5 SECTION LINE 1944 USGLOS B.C..----..~ ~ ._.---- StJI?VEY DESCRIPTION A STRIP OF ~ 40 FEIET WIDE. B~INO 20 FE~T S~STEr~_Y A~ 20 Ft~C-r f~Fr~y OF ~ FOLLOWIN~ DE~cr~IBI~ ~t~VEY L1r~. BEGIHNING AT STATION BT*BI .6 LOCATED ON 1HE ~'OUTH ~OU~A~Y LIkl~ OF SECTIQN 16. TOWN~Hllm I~ NO~TH. ~ANC~ 112 r~INCIPAL M~RIDIAN. LINC~_N COt~4TY. WYOMING; SAID POINT ~IN~ ~4.7 ~T, W~STEFd_y ~ TY~ ~3OTFF_AsT SECTION 16, THENCE ~3¢~TH 07'06' WEST A DISTA~CE OF 624.2 FEET TO ~qFATI~ ~4*0~.7 THENCE NORcTH OI '22' WEST A OI~TANC~ ~ ~TH 10'49' ~T F~ A D~STA~ ~ ~0.6 F~T ~ sTATZ~ 90.~4.4= A ~[~ ~ ~ EAST ~ L[~ SAID ~1~ ~ ~y A D[ST~ ~ 2112.B ~ ~4 ~ ~T~CT ~ ~ SAID ~T[~ ~'~AT~ OF ~I~ ] ~ ATT~-IN-FACT PARCEL #2 ~/W NO. 423 ~.O. N0..24872 ~ 24926 ~JRVEYED: t1-14, 11-28-90 REF_ DNG. NO. A78~.0-6 NORTF~VEST PIPELINE CORPOFIATION MOXA ARCH GATHERING.SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACROSS STATE OF WYOMING LAND LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING I .._ I l)ATE: ]APPROVED, INo-: ' ~' ' L~HEET RHF BY: CFP I 786,4-X- i I I State of Wyoming Easement No. 5093 Exhibit A 2 of ,3 28 Z ht 0 Z H H w Z W h / I- 0 Ld H -- hi Z Z -- U q z · Z - + ~ o ~ 88 7 d o 0 + / / 22 22 25 27 26 SURVEY DES~]PTION A STRIP ~F [~1] 40 FEET WIDE. BEING 20 F~T SOUTHWESTERLY AND 20 FEET NO~EASTE~Y O~ THE FOU_O~IN~ DE~IBEI) ~I~YE~ LI~E. B~GINNIN~ AT STATION ~+E.2.~ LOCATED ON TIE SQLFFH I~AI~Y LII,~ ~ ~CTI~4 ~. T~P I~ ~TH, RA~ 112 ~T ~ ~[ SI~ ~II~IP~ ~IOI~, LI~N ~Y. ~I~; SAID ~I~ ~I~ 5o8.~ F~, E~Y ~ ~ ~ST ~ ~ ~AID ~CTI~ 22. ~ ~ ~0' I~' ~sT A DISTA~ ~ 44B.~ F~ TO STATI~ 8*~.6~ T~ ~ 2~'0~' ~ST A DIST~ ~ 754.1 FE~ TO STATI$ 1G+54.6; A ~I~ ~ ~ ~T LI~ ~ SAID ~CTI~ ~. SAID ~I~ ~I~ ~Y A DIsT~ ~ 107~.7 F~ ~ ~ ~ST ~ ~ SAID ~CTI~ ~. T~IP I~ ~. R~ 112 ~. SIX~ ~I~IP~ ~RIDI~, LI~ ~. WYlie. ~ ~0~ ~I8~ S~IP ~ ~ ~AI~ I. 104 A~S ~E ~ ~ S'YAIF oF WY~NMIN~; ) COUNTY OF ) ~TIFTCATE ~ APPI T~ANT- PARCEL,#1 R/W NO. 423 W.O. NO. 24872 & 24926 survEYEd: REF. DWG, AITO~NEY-TN-FACT ~~~ ~ ~R~~N MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACROSS STATE OF WYOMING LAND LZNCOLN~ COUNTY, WYOMING ~f: I000' RHF , I ~66.4-X- 1'3~ I ~F 2'7 C U) © F- O r~ LINCOLN CO UINTA CO 4 ~4 3 SURVEY DESCRIPTION ' Easement No. 50~3qQ't s 10'5~' W .~50+62 6 SECTION LINE (CALC~xhibit A 13 of ~ ' - // 55+42 8 ~ 3 l/2" RISER', LAT B-5 /' 55+88 6 ( PRESIDIO 6" LINE 27 I ....-" 56+19 6 ~ OUESTAR 4" LINE / ' I IEOUATION '~:, ~'-~'~---- G.164+76 o BX. = a 22' It UT 34 "35 · /" -- S I1' 18' E / 70+47 9 PIPE LEAVES SURVEY '~'/ 71+10 6 ~ 29'23' RT ,///x~, ~ PIPE lIE 6 3' qT ~ 18'06' W /,~/// 71+~0 6 ~ 29' 23' RT g PIPE TIE 4 7' PT S 47'28' W /' /' 71+66 9 PIPE REEN'TERS $URVEY ~ 72+82 6 EAST BANR OF BLACK YOR~S RIVER 74+12 6 WEST BANK OF BLAC~ YOPKS RIVER SWEET WA ~~ COUNTY 74+97 7 ~ 36'g4' Ll' ~ T~E 53' RT TO PRES~DZO L~NE 79+86 6 BEGZN STEEP ~NCL~NE 80+45 3 POWERL~NE 'H" F~X~URE 158 2 RT S 10'54' W 80+75 3 ~ 18'39' LT ~ TSE 30' RT TO PRESZD~O END OF STEEP ~NCL~NE S 7'45' E 81+01 3 OVERHEAD POWERL~NE ~~ 84+48 0 36'04~ · ' ~ TIE RT TO PRESIDIO LINE S28'1"W 84+83 5 ~ PRESiDiO I0" LZNE ', [EOUAT~ON "x, las+32 o eK : ~ g6'2~' LT 185.49 5 AH 6 TIE SO' RT TO OUESTAR 16" LINE S 8'07' E 85+67 5 ~ CIG 20" LINE T- 9-N 86+1~ 4 ~ NWP 22" MAiNLiNE 87+2~ 7 ~ ~ASH (20'W X 6'D ) N 89+54 7 ~ 12"xl2"xl2"TEE FOR T- 8- N ~ ~ ~xmuI,E SAUES 3 2 x ~ 91+93 I T 0 P FOR CHANPLIN ~149 G-2 ~k, ~ TIE 30 3' RT TO QUESTAR IG" LINE X x~ ~ TIE ~ 6' RT TO OUESTAR lO" LINE xx ~ S+8'07' E k , ~o2 54 4 ~8'~4' RT ,' k '--~~Y- ~~R Tg~' ~E k s o'~7' w ~105+35 7 SECTION LINE 6 COUNTY LINE [CALC ) A STRIP OF LAND! 40 FEET WIDE, BEING 20 FEET EASTER'LY AND 20 FEET WESIERLY OF IHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED SURVEY LINE BEGINNING AT STATION 50*62 6 LOCATED ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 112 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING; SAID POINT BEING 1675 5 FEET, WESTERLY FROM THE NORTH QUARTER CORHER OF SAID SECTION 54, THENCE SOUIH 10'53' WEST A DIS[ANCE OF 1413 4 FEET TO STATION 64~76 0 BK / 64*4? 6 AH , THENCE SOUTH II 18' EAST A DISTANCE OF 663 0 FEET TO STATION VI*lO 6, THENCE SOUTH 18 05' WEST A DISTANCE OF 40 0 FEET TO STATION 71+50 6, THENC~ SOUTH 4'7 28' WEST A DISTANCE OF 347 I FEET TO STATION 74+97 .7, THENCE SOUTH 10 54' WEST A DISTANCE OF 57'7 6 FEET TO STATION 80*75 3. THENCE ~OUTH 0'7 45' EAST A DISTANCE OF 3'72 7 FEET TO STATION 84*48 O, THENCE SOUTH 28 19' WES'[ A DISTANCE OF 84 0 FEET TO STATION 65'*32 0 BK /. 85+49 5 AH THENCE SOUTH 08 07' EAST A DISTANCE OF 1704 9 FEET TO STATION 102+54 4, '[HENCE SOUTH 0 27' WEST A DISIANCE OF 281 3 FEET IO STATION 105+35 .7. TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY L~NE .pF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST OUARTER OF SAID SECTION 34. SAID POINT BEING ~54 4 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 112 WEST, SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND CONTAINS § 036 ACRES MORE OR [.ESS · CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR STATE OF WYOMING ) / ~OUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ss C~RTIFICATE OF APP~_ICANT R/W,~O.: 598 W ~:.?NO 24927 SURVEYED: 01/09/91 ~c,/W'~,B.F DWG NO a786 O-I R¥ R~y. :~d)::BEARiNG AND LINE TIE RECALCULATION ;,:ii ,-.:~.~L~ .' :' · ; 7: · ~: ': ---~,.¢~. : _ ~ NORTHWEST PIPELINE CORPORATION MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY · . ACROSS STATE OF WYOMING LAND LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING sCALE': I "= I 000' DATE 09/I 4/92 APPROVED": XUj~;~ c~ i State of Wyo~g ~ Z , ~ ] Exhbit B ~ : .... : .. ~ Easement No. 5093 ~ m 0+00=58*73 2 ~ / ON 16" TRUNK "A' EXT ~ ~ SEE 'DETAIL ~ / N 82' ~' E ~ ~/ ~ ~ 0+43 7 ~ PRESiDiO I0' L~NE I ''~(I/4 COR )~ ~ ~ 1944 USGLOS BRASS CAP~ ~ 1944 USGLOS BRASS CAP / 15 N 0'18' E 21 2~ DETAIL SURVEY DESCRIPTION A STRIP OF LAND 25 FEET ~IDE, BEING 12 5 FEET S~THEASTERLY AND 12 5 FEET NORTH~ESTERL'f OF THE FOLLO~ING DESCRIBED SURVEY LINE BEGINNING AT STATION O+OO LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TNE SOUTNEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 19 ~RTH, RANGE 112 ~EST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. LINCOLN COUNTY. ~YO~ING, SAID POINT BEING 25~ 3 FEET, NORTH 88 ~2' EAST FROM THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNED OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 112 ~EgT OF TN[ SIXTH PRINCIPAL HERIDIAN. LINCOLN COUNTY, ~YOHIN6, THENCE NORTH ~2 ~' EAST A DISTANCE OF 46 7 FEET TO STATION 0+46.7 A POINT ON THE EAST gOUNDARY LINE OF ~HE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ~UARTER OF SAID SECTION lb. 9AID POINT BEING 107 6 FEET, NORTH 0 lB' EAST ffRON THE SOUTHEA$I CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16. TOHNSHIP 19 NORTH. RANGE 112 ~EST. SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LINCOLN COUNTY. ~YOMING THE ABOVE DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND CONTAINS 0027 ACRES NORE OR LESS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR. STATE OF ~YOHING ' ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ss D~ck R OrtFCtn sloles he is bz occupal~on a Regtslered Land Surve~r~%~~~2~L tams Gas Processing Company lo make the survez o¢ the pipeline os described and ~f~t~/~¢,l~l survex or said ~ork ~as made under h~s supervision and au~hort~x, co~mt¢'{~;~ I~[~o? NOVENBE~ 990 and that such survex ts accurareLx represenled upon thts map r'~ This ts ~o CeP~tFy ~kfl[ Deck R. G~FFtn, who subscn(bed ~he s~a~eBen~~pson employed by The undepe{gnod app[tcanI Ia ppopane~ lhts map, ~hich has been adopled by lhe appLicanT a~ %-The ~ ' approximate F,nol localion oF lhe wonks, lheeeby shown; and {hal lhis map complete appLtcal(on, and I ¢uptheP certify ~hot lhe ¢tghl-oF-~oy herein descetbed is des~eed Foe the purpose o¢ Iranspopltng nalunaL gas by pipeLtne. ~~ HOXA ARCH GATHERZNG SYSTEH APPLZCATZON FOR RZGHT-OF-WAY ACROSS STATE OF WYOHZNG LAND ~-~-~, ~A ~s-~urur ~E* ~Or~S ~*TED ,,-,~-~o ~t LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING DATE BY REV[S[~ ~%R[PfI~